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A Case Of Refractory Ascites Due To Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated With Sasang Constitutional Medicine

  • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Abbr : JSCIM
  • 2008, 20(2), pp.164-170
  • Publisher : The Society of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > Korean Medicine

정의홍 1 Kim Eun-Hee 1 서영광 1 최원철 2 이수경 1 어완규 3

2경희대학교 동서신의학병원 암센터
3경희대학교 동서신의학병원 통합암센터 혈액종양내과



1. Objectives This is a case of refractory ascites due to hepatocellular carcinoma treated with Sasang Constitutional Medication. Refractory ascites, which did not respond to diuretics, was improved with Jeoryeongchajeonja-tang. 2. Methods We recorded the patient's abdominal circumference, body weight and urine output daily. We also investigated the TTKG(transtubular potassium gradient) values 3 times during the treatment course. 3. Results the TTKG value of the patient was siginificantly decreased. TTKG values before administration of Jeoryeongchajeonja-tang were 8.41, 10.82, respectively and 4.25 after administration of Jeoryeongchajeonja-tang. 4. Conclusions We guess that Jeoryeongchajeonja-tang functions as an aldosterone antagonist or increases spironolactone activity through interaction between Jeoryeongchajeonja-tang and spironolactone. But the mechanism of Jeoryeongchajeonja-tang is not clear, so we need more clinical study of refractory ascites improved with Jeoryeongchajeonja-tang and biological study of interaction between Jeoryeongchajeonja-tang and spironolactone.

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