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A Study on The Origin and Background of GalgeunNabokja-Tang

  • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Abbr : JSCIM
  • 2010, 22(1), pp.9-16
  • Publisher : The Society of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > Korean Medicine

정용재 1 Park Seong-sik 1




1. Background GalgeunNabokja-Tang(葛根蘿葍子湯) is suggested as treatment and prescription of Exterior Heat syndrome Diarrhea(表熱證泄瀉) in Donguisusebowon Tae-eumin Interior febrile disease induced form the liver affected by heat(東醫壽世保元 「太陰人肝受熱裏熱病論」), but is not recorded the treatment contents in Sinjungbang(「新定太陰人病應用要藥二十四方」). 2. Methods Accordingly, the writer surveyed, compared, and arranged the relevant contents by collecting books of doctors of Four-Constitutional Medicine(四象醫) since Lee Je-ma including Lee Je-ma’s books. 3. Results and Conclusions 1) The treatment contents in GalgeunNabokja-Tang are thought to be valid to have the criterion as the contents of appearing in SanggyohyuntoDonguisusebowon Boyubang(詳校懸吐東醫壽世保元「補遺方」). 2) The origin in GalgeunNabokja-Tang is GalgeunNabokja-Tang in Bimang-lok(備忘錄). And the period of having made treatment for the first time may be estimated to be the one between Donguisuse- bowonSasangchobonguan(東醫壽世保元四象草本卷) and HamsansachonDonguisusebowonGabogubon (咸山沙村東醫壽世保元甲午舊本). 3) GalgeunNabokja-Tang is thought to be probably what Han Du-jeong recorded in Boyubang by searching for what Lee Je-ma modified some of GalgeunNabokja-Tang in Bimang-lok while writing Pathological Syndromes(「病證論」) in Donguisusebowon(東醫壽世保元).

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