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Characteristics of Fatigue in Sasang Constitution by Analyzing Questionnaire and Medical Devices Data

Koo Kim 1 Ye-jin Ha 2 Park, Soojung 3 최나래 4 Youngseop Lee 5 Jong-Cheon Joo 3

1원광대학교 한의과대학 사상체질의학교실
2한국보건산업진흥원 한의약연구지원팀
4원광대학교 사상체질과



Objectives The purpose of this study was to find correlations between gastrointestinal disorders, pain, sleep disorder, fatigue, and to figure out characteristics of fatigue in Sasang Constitution using medical devices data. Methods Sixty three subjects were divided into fatigue group and non-fatigue group, both groups had to undergo blood tests, questionnaire, Sasang constitutional analysis tool (SCAT), pulse wave analyzer examination, heart rate variability examination, nail fold capillary microscopic examination. Results 1) The results of questionnaire about fatigue, gastrointestinal disorder, pain, sleep disorder, quality of life had significant differences between fatigue and non-fatigue groups. 2) Soeumin had more serious gastrointestinal problem and Soyangin had more serious sleep disorder in fatigue groups than non-fatigue groups. 3) According to blood test results, there was no difference between fatigue and non-fatigue groups. 4) Elastic parameter of pulse wave analyzer and nail fold capillary microscopic examination showed significant differences between fatigue and non-fatigue groups in Soyangin. Conclusions We reach the conclusion that fatigue is usually accompanied by gastrointestinal disorder, pain, sleep disorder, deterioration in the quality of life. In Soeumin, treating gastrointestinal disorders can be helpful for treatment of fatigue. In Soyangin, improving sleep disorder may be more effective way to treat fatigue.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.