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A Case of the Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Who Showed Symptoms Improvement

박소라 1 Lee Sookyung 2 이수민 1

1경희대학교 한의과대학 강동경희대학교병원 한방암센터



Objectives The quality of life in cancer patients is important. The aim of this study is to report a case which showed symptoms improvement after treatment with modified Galgeunhaegi-tang. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records. The patient’s body weight and the circumference of lower extremity were measured and the subjective symptoms such as chest pain were evaluated by the NRS(Numeric Rating Scale). And the frequency of defecation was checked daily. Results The patient had received chemotherapy from March to November 2014 for 8th times. During the chemotherapy, the patient developed symptoms such as weight gain, edema of lower extremity, chest pain, headache, low back pain, and constipation. But additional evaluation and management with western medicine couldn’t solve the problem. So he started to take Korean medicine. And he was transferred to our cancer center to keep continuing the treatment. After the treatment, the body weight, the lower extremity circumference and the subjective severity of chest pain, headache, low back pain were all decreased. During hospitalization at our center, the patient didn’t suffer from constipation. Conclusions An elderly non-small cell lung cancer patient showed the improvement of symptoms that were continued during chemotherapy. As we can see in this case, Korean medicine can be a solution of the symptoms induced by chemotherapy, if there is no symptom improvement with western medicine.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.