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A Study on the Cold and Heat Syndromes in Dongyi-Soose-Bowon

  • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Abbr : JSCIM
  • 1999, 11(1), pp.79-102
  • Publisher : The Society of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > Korean Medicine
  • Received : November 30, 1999
  • Accepted : November 30, 1999
  • Published : November 30, 1999

Lee Kyung-ro 1 kim kyung yo 2

1원광대학교 한의과대학 사상의학교실


1. Purpose : This studied Cold and Heat syndromes about Four-form Constitutional Physicalogy. It is for help the comprehension, diagnosis and treatment of physicalogy and pathology about each type. 2. Method : I studied the conception of Cold and Heat sydrome in the existing Oriental Medicine before Constitutinal Medicine, through a few symptoms(constipation, diarrhea, sweat, urine, vomiting) and physicalogy, pathology in Dongyi-Soose-Bowon. 3. Results & Conclusion : In the viewpoint of Pathological Disease and a Chapter Name, Shaoyin has the Exterior-Febrile and Interior-Cold Disease, as the constitutional primary cause of the Interior-Cold Disease, Shaoyang has the Exterior-Cold and Interior-Febrile Disease, as the Interior-Febrile Disease, accoreing to the process of the promote incomings and outgoings of food stuffs of the Spleen and Kidney. By the way, Taiyin is classified into 'One who had had the Cold Disease Primarily and the Febrile', Taiyang has the nature of 'No Cold, No Heat' that is not tendency to The Cold or Heat sydromes, according to promote the respiration of air and fluid of the Liver and Lung. In the viewpoint of a few symptoms(constipation, diarrhea, sweat, urine, vomiting), we are known that cold and heat connception of the each symptome is fixed, according to nature of cold and heat in each type. These express the methood of 'constitutional demonstration'.

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