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A Sasang Theoretical Study about the Morph & Image of Sasang Constitutional Medicine

  • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Abbr : JSCIM
  • 1999, 11(1), pp.295-310
  • Publisher : The Society of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > Korean Medicine
  • Received : November 30, 1999
  • Accepted : November 30, 1999
  • Published : November 30, 1999

Jeongho Kim 1 Jeong-Mo Song 1



Nowadays there are a lot of attempts and approaches in the Study of Oriental Medicine. The Morph&Image is one of them, and its importance is more and more increasing. Likewise, in the Sasang Consitutional Medicine, the Morph&Image is one of the important part too. And it is presented in the <Discourse on Identifying Four Constitution(四象人辯證論)> of <<Dorgyi SooseBowon(東醫壽世保元)>>. But that Discourse shows us only the concept and conclusion of Morph&Image, based on classification of Sasang Constitution, without explaining how it is derived. So the author studied the basic theory parts of <<Dorgyi Soose Bowon>> -those are the <Discourse on Nature and Order(性命論)>, <Discourse on Four Principles(四端論)>, <Discoures on Establishment and Supplement(擴充論)>, and <Discourse on Viscera and Bowels(臟腑論)>- and wanted to find out the mechanism of Morph&Image concept in the Sasang Constitutional Medicine. The results were as follows. 1. Every portion of human body, can be considered as Morph&Image, in <<Dorgyi Soose Bowon>> could be explained in the line with the Sasang theory. Morph&Image in <<Dorgyi Soose Bowon>> contents not only the shape itself but also image, operation, mind condition, nature, emotion and so on. 2. The traditional Oriental Medicine has the Morph&Image categorized by Five elements(五行). And it is used for Oriental medical Diagnosis. But in the Sasang Constitution, Morph&Image is used for Sasang Constitutional classification. 3. The Morph&Image in Sasang could be classified into four groups. Affairs(事)- group(ears, eyes, nose, mouth(耳目鼻口) and so on), object(物)-group(lung, spleen, liver, kidney(肺脾肝腎)and soon), Mind(心)-group(jaw, chest navel, abdomen and so on) and Body(身)-group(head, shoulders, waist hips(頭肩腰臀) and so on) are those. Event and Object groups reflect the congenital conditions of Sasang-Classified human body, and Mind and Body groups reflect mind state, nature, emotion etc..

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