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A Study on clinical application of the QSCCⅡ(Questionnaire for the Sasang Constitution ClassificationⅡ)

  • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Abbr : JSCIM
  • 2002, 14(2), pp.35-44
  • Publisher : The Society of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > Korean Medicine
  • Received : August 31, 2002
  • Accepted : August 31, 2002
  • Published : August 31, 2002

Park Hye-sun 1 Jong-Cheon Joo 2 Kim Joo Han 3 kim kyung yo 2

1원광대 한의과대학 사상체질의학교실


This study was performed to examine a clinical application of the QSCC II (Questionnaire for the Sasang Constitution Classification II) In this study, the subjects were 218 patients whose constitutions were differentiated at the Wonkwang Kwangju Oriental medical hospital. The results are as follows: 1. QSCC II were given to 218 patients after they were examined by the specialists in the Sasang constitutional medicine and received herbal formulas specific to their constitution. The constitutional analysis made by the specialists were then compared to the results of the questionnaire. The result showed only 51% agreement. 2. We made a frequency analysis of 121 questions and found that 85 questions had low statistical significance (P>0.2). 3. As a result, we have found that there is a limitation in differentiating the constitution by the questionnaire. Thus, in order to raise the statistical significance of the constitutional analysis, we hope that more suitable questionnaire will be developed for the future research.


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