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A Study on the Theory of JangBu(臟腑) in Sasang Constitutional Medicine

  • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Abbr : JSCIM
  • 2004, 16(1), pp.20-36
  • Publisher : The Society of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > Korean Medicine
  • Received : March 31, 2004
  • Accepted : March 31, 2004
  • Published : April 1, 2004

Kim Jeong-Ho 1 Song Jeong-mo 2

2우석대학교 한의과대학 사상체질과


After studying the theory of JangBu(臟腑), that is a physiology of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, in Sasang Constitutional Medicine, the author could draw a conclusion as these. 1. The basic thought of Sasang Constitutional Medicine is emphatic on the human beings itself unlike the idea of traditional Oriental Medicine, that accentuate the universe.(The traditional Oriental Medicine has a concept that the human beings follows the order of universe, but Sasang Constitutional Medicine has a different idea that human beings has the free will to the universe and newly comprehend the relationships between human beings and universe.) 2. Like the preceding, the theory of JangBu(臟腑), the physiology of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, is based on the autonomic mechanisms of human body itself. 3. The medical philosophy of Sasang Constitutional Medicine is Sasang(四象), that is Sa(事), Sim(心), Sin(身) and Mul(物). This Sasang is a classification of universe include human beings.(Sa(事) is event, Sim(心) is mind, Sin(身) is body, and Mul(物) is things. these four elements express the universe and human.) 4. The JangBu(臟腑) theory of Sasang Constitutional Medicine regard mind condition as important. The mind condition is divided into two factors. The one is Seong(性) the other is Jeong(情). The Seong(性) is an attitude toward the world, and the Jeong(情) is response to the stimulation from the world. 5. By the actions of Seong(性) and Jeong(情), the human body has different JangBu(臟腑) function, so the human body can be grouped in four constitutions. 6. Because of emphasis on mind condition, the Sasang JangBu(臟腑) theory has activism of human beings itself. 7. This activismor practical philosophy of Sasang JangBu(臟腑) theory, that is a physiology of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, gave birth to ethics or morality in Medical philosophy, that the human practice of ethics or morality bring a health and well being of human body.

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