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The Study of the Genocide in Guatemala





The Guatemalan government and guerrilla forces(the Unidad RevolucionariaNacional Guatemalteco, URNG) signed peace accord in 1996, and ended civilconflict(1960-1996). The bloodiest governments of the 36-year-lond armedconflict were those of Lucas García, Ríos Montt and Mejía Víctores, between1978 and 1983. The war that Guatemala underwent resulted in more than200,000 casualties, more than 83% of them Mayan, according to the report ofthe CEH(Comision para de Esclarecimiento Historico). ‘Victoria 82’ and‘Opreation Sofía’ were the strategy of military dictatorship to destory indigenousMayan communities. This paper is to demonstrates that the Guatemalan stateperpetrated a genocide against the indigenous population using racism tostrengthening modern nation-state and this was because, historically andstructurally, it possessed, in its intrinsic naturem the repressive, ideological andlegal apparatus. To distinguish Maya from ladino is often linked to cultural andsocial discrimination and a system of racial ranking. Militaty dictatorship usedthe system of racial ranking to exterminate indigenous populations.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.