Jaeyong Kwak
| 2024, 73
| pp.1~30
| number of Cited : 0
RAE(2014) describes the quantifier ‘poco’ used in the pseudo-partitive construction [un poco de NP] as a masculine noun, translating to ‘a small amount’ in Spanish. This construction pairs an uncountable noun, without an overt determiner, as its complement. Gutiérrez Rodríguez (2008b) contends that in pseudo-partitive constructions, lexicalized quantifier nouns occupy the functional head position Q, contrasting with quantifier nouns like counters, measure nouns, and collective nouns, which occupy the lexical head N.
This study compares and analyzes the quantifier proposals by Gutiérrez Rodríguez(2008b) and Sáez(2017), proposing that the quantifier ‘poco’ in [un poco de NP] resides in the head of the functional category OrP(Orientation Phrase). It also posits that the indefinite article appears in the head of another functional category, DegP(Degree Phrase), thus forming a pseudo-partitive construction that functions as a determiner-like complex quantifier.