Byung-Jong Chun
| 2020, 73
| pp.9~24
| number of Cited : 15
This study analyzed the effects of video characteristics, content characteristics, and innovative diffusion characteristics on the use motivation and the use motivation and the use satisfaction on the sustainability of the use, and also analyzed whether the demographic characteristics (by gender, age, and academic background) play a controlling role in the relationship between motivation, satisfaction of use and intention of continued use. For the research, 520 copies without errors were used for the final analysis after online and offline surveys from March 23 to April 5, 2020. Following is the summary of this study. First of all, to summarize the online video service part, research showed that the most used OTT was ‘Youtube’ getting 398 out of 520(76.5%) answerers’ vote. The most used device for OTT was ‘Smart phone’ with the score of 380 out of 520(73.1%). For average OTT usage time per day, 197 out of 520(37.9%) answerers voted for‘30 minutes to 1 hour’. For place of usage, 369 out of 520(70.9%) answered ‘home’. Lastly, the most preferred OTT contents length was ‘Under 10 minutes’ getting 186 out of 520(35.8%) votes. Second, the ‘information’ and ‘connectivity’ of the video characteristics were shown to affect the 'use motivation' and 'use satisfaction' under statistical significance level, and ‘convenience’ was shown to affect the ‘use motivation’ at statistical significance level, and ‘use satisfaction’ was not affected at statistical significance levels. Third, the ‘quality’ of the content characteristics was shown to affect the ‘use motivation’ and ‘use satisfaction ’at the statistical significance level, the ‘reliability’ was shown to affect the ‘use satisfaction’ at the statistical significance level, and the ‘use motivation’ was not affected at the statistical significance level. Fourth, the ‘innovativeness’ and ‘relative advantage’ of the innovation diffusion characteristics have been shown to affect the ‘use motivation’ and ‘use satisfaction’ at statistical significance levels. Fifth, looking at the causal relationship between mediating variables(use motivation and use satisfaction) and the continuance intention use, the following influences were verified among the variables as a result of examining the influence of motivation and satisfaction on the intention of continuous use, which are parameters that recognize the behavior of user awareness when using online video services. also, ‘use motivation’ and ‘user satisfaction’ of the mediating variables were shown to affect ‘use intention’ at statistical significance levels. ‘use intention’ were shown to affect ‘user satisfaction’ at statistical significance levels. Sixth, whether demographic characteristics(gender, age, education level) act as the adjustment variables for the relationship between ‘continuance intention use’ and ‘use intention’ and ‘user satisfaction’, was verified true. if the adjustment variable is ‘age’(user satisfaction X age), then those in their 20s and 40s are shown to have control effects at statistical significance levels. if the adjustment variable ‘education level’(use motivation x education level) and (user satisfaction x education level), the Ph.D. course/doctor was shown to be effective at statistical significance levels. it was found that ‘gender’ had no adjustment effect at statistical significance level in relation to use motivation and user satisfaction and continuance intention use. This study is meaningful in that the scope of the study was expanded by empirically verifying the use of online video service (OTT), and the significance of this study is that a plan to utilize it strategically was derived.