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2013, Vol.9, No.8

Role and Support System of Social Economic Organization in Disaster Recovery Process - Focused on Flow of Relief Funds for Great East Japan Earthquake -
Nemoto Masatsugu | 2013, 9(8) | pp.1~20 | number of Cited : 7
The Difference of Fire Department Activation between Real and Movie(Tower & Banchangkko)
Kim Hye Sun , Ho Jung Kim , 정석환 | 2013, 9(8) | pp.21~32 | number of Cited : 0
Desirable Reorganization Direction of Firefighting Administration - Focusing on Democracy and Efficiency -
Ryu Sang Il , Lee, Min-kyu | 2013, 9(8) | pp.33~46 | number of Cited : 6
How Do they Manage Personal Information in Hospital? - A Survey Study for IT Governance in Hospitals -
정혜정 , Nam-Hyun Kim | 2013, 9(8) | pp.47~66 | number of Cited : 2
The Importance of Private Investigation Education, Status and Direction
Sunggu Jo , Kim, Dong-Je | 2013, 9(8) | pp.67~86 | number of Cited : 6
Analysis of Searching Methods about Emergency Medical Informations According to the People Who Admitted In Emergency Department
Kim Hye Sun , Ho Jung Kim | 2013, 9(8) | pp.87~94 | number of Cited : 1
Ultralight Flying Device of Potential Threats Analysis and Counter-Terrorism Strategy
채병민 , 류지연 | 2013, 9(8) | pp.95~114 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Diagnosis and Improvement of Managing for Fiscal Emergency in Local Government
Park Jung Min , 정민석 , Ryu Sang Il | 2013, 9(8) | pp.115~138 | number of Cited : 7
The Application of Small Scale Rainwater Harvesting System for Securing Water of Highland Agriculture
Jun Kye Won , Chang Deok Jang , Jung, Seung Kwon and 1 other persons | 2013, 9(8) | pp.139~150 | number of Cited : 3
Implementation Strategies for Module Organization of Korean Civil Defense System - Focused on Disaster Management System -
Mi-jeong Lee | 2013, 9(8) | pp.151~168 | number of Cited : 6
An Introductory Study on the Necessity of Firefighting Day's Alteration
seongcheon woo , 채진 | 2013, 9(8) | pp.169~192 | number of Cited : 1
An Empirical Study on Organizational Behavior of the Street Level Fire Service Officials - Focused on the Relationships with Self Leadership, Organizational Commitment, Innovative Behavior, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior -
Dae-Young An , 서강현 , Hong Sang Jeong | 2013, 9(8) | pp.193~210 | number of Cited : 17
A Study on the Consciousness of Veterans Related to Security Crisis of University Students
Kim,Taeyeol | 2013, 9(8) | pp.211~229 | number of Cited : 2