Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.28
pISSN : 1225-083X
pISSN : 1225-083X
Submission Regulations
1. The content of the manuscript
Research papers, translations, book reviews, academic activity reports and research materials on Chinese language and literature, Korean-Chinese Comparative Literature and Korean-Chinese culture, etc.
2. Language
Korean as a rule.(However, when deemed necessary, manuscripts in other foreign languages may be published after a resolution of the editorial meeting.)
3. quote
The original source must be clearly marked, Foreign language quotations are translated into Korean with punctuation marks. If necessary, annotate the quotation as well.
4. Amount
Thesis should be around 100 pages of 200-character per each manuscript and in the case of more than 120 sheets, the person shall bear the expenses for the excess. However, every book review should be around 30 sheets.
5. Publishing
Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by editorial meetings and then published.
6. Publication fees and manuscript fees
Papers that are confirmed to be published must pay a publishing fee. For the adopted manuscript, in principle, the author is presented with a copy of the original copy and a few separate copies of the manuscript as a manuscript fee.
Examination fee: 60,000 won
Publication fee:
The regular : 100,000 won
The irregular : 50,000 won
Thesis that received research funding: 200,000 won
7. Homepage publication
In principle, all manuscripts published in this journal are to be disclosed on the academic information website.
8. The copyright of the paper
The copyright of papers already published in this journal or published in the future is deemed to agree to be used by the Society in connection with academic activities by submission of the manuscript.
9. Submission of thesis
Manuscript submission is loaded with the submission application form on the online thesis submission system on the society's website. The manuscript is loaded separately from the manuscript for review.
10. Indication of author information
In the published manuscript, the affiliation and position of the author (including co-authors) are clearly indicated, and if minors are included among the co-authors, the final affiliation, position, and school year are separately indicated in the thesis. Author information of published articles is collected and managed.
11. Etc
The author's name and thesis title should be written in English. In addition, an English abstract and key words must be attached.
* For details on manuscript preparation, refer to the 【How to Write a Manuscript】.