Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.28
pISSN : 1225-083X
pISSN : 1225-083X
《Journal of Chinese Language and Literature(中國語文學)》 is an academic journal published by Chinese Literary Society of Yeungnam, registered in the National Research Foundation of Korea. It deals with research papers, translations, book reviews, reports on academic activities and research data on Chinese literature and Korea-China comparative literature, publishing original papers with creativity and academic values, which meet the format of academic paper, translations and annotations based on new interpretations of Chinese literary classics or academic writings with an urgent need to be introduced to the Korean academic world. Since a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is given to the paper published in our academic journal, anyone can search and cite that very easily from all over the world. It is published three times a year, at the end of April, the end of August and the end of December, and the 85th volume was published in 2020.