/ 2015
/ 한국판 벡우울척도 2판 지침서
/ 한국심리주식회사
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/ Cognitive vulnerability to emotional disorders
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/ Journal of affective disorders
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/ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
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/ Psychological Bulletin
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/ Journal of Leadership Studies
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/ Beliefs about emotion : Links to emotion regulation, well-being, and psychological distress
/ Basic and Applied Social Psychology
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/ Emotion beliefs in social anxiety disorder : Associations with stress, anxiety, and well‐being
/ Australian Journal of Psychology
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/ An analysis of learned helplessness : Continuous changes in performance, strategy, and achievement cognitions following failure
/ Journal of personality and social psychology
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/ Entity perceptions of morality and character are associated with obsessive compulsive phenomena
/ Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
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/ Journal of personality and social psychology
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/ Psychological inquiry
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/ Psychological Bulletin
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/ Erdelyi Pszichologiai Szemle= Transylvanian Journal of Psychology
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/ Frontiers in psychiatry
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/ Suicide risk assessment : a review of risk factors for suicide in 100 patients who made severe suicide attempts : evaluation of suicide risk in a time of managed care
/ Psychosomatics
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/ Coping styles, pain expressiveness, and implicit theories of chronic pain
/ The Journal of psychology
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/ Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
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/ Journal of Personality and Social psychology
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/ Emotion dysregulation model of mood and anxiety disorders
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/ Believing in change : Reviewing the role of implicit theories in psychological dysfunction
/ Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
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/ American Psychologist
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/ British Psychological Society
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/ World journal of psychiatry
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/ Depression and hopelessness as risk factors for suicide ideation, attempts and death : Meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
/ The British Journal of Psychiatry
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/ Predictive validity of the MINI suicidal scale for self-harm in acute psychiatry : a prospective study of the first year after discharge
/ Archives of Suicide Research
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Schleider, J. L.
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/ Implicit theories and youth mental health problems : A random-effects meta-analysis
/ Clinical Psychology Review
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/ Reducing risk for anxiety and depression in adolescents : Effects of a single-session intervention teaching that personality can change
/ Behaviour research and therapy
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Schroder, H. S.
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/ The role of implicit theories in mental health symptoms, emotion regulation, and hypothetical treatment choices in college students
/ Cognitive Therapy and Research
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/ Personality and Individual Differences
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Sheppes, G.
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/ Emotion regulation and psychopathology
/ Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
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/ Current Psychology
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/ Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie
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/ Journal of personality and social psychology
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/ The Journal of Positive Psychology
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/ Journal of anxiety disorders
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/ Shyness mindset : Applying mindset theory to the domain of inhibited social behavior
/ Personality and Individual Differences
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/ Multidimensional assessments of impulsivity in subjects with history of suicidal attempts
/ Comprehensive Psychiatry
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/ The far-reaching effects of believing people can change : Implicit theories of personality shape stress, health, and achievement during adolescence
/ Journal of personality and social psychology
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/ Child development
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/ Impaired self-regulation and suicidal behavior among adolescent and young adult psychiatric inpatients
/ Archives of Suicide Research
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