The Korean Journal of Chiristian Social Ethics 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.58
pISSN : 1229-8387 / eISSN : 2713-749X
pISSN : 1229-8387 / eISSN : 2713-749X
Since its foundation, the Society of Christian Social Ethics in Korea has been established for interdisciplinary research to establish Christian social ethics in Korean society and to present specific alternatives. It sets the direction of Christian ethics for Korean society by focusing on the search for responsible alternatives for the overall Christian ethics, and through interdenominational and interdisciplinary joint research, the academic foundation for the ethical maturity of Korean Christianity and its practice is established. This society tried to secure it. Society members shall observe the following matters when conducting research and academic activities.
1. Research activities are carried out autonomously but proceed honestly and transparently by the procedures and regulations established by this society.
2. When publishing research results or providing professional knowledge to society, we maintain an academic conscience and fulfill our responsibilities and duties as Christian intellectuals.
3. Do not engage in unethical or illegal activities such as copyright infringement, plagiarism, inappropriate citation, manipulation of data, etc.
4. The editorial board is responsible for all decisions on whether or not to publish the submitted manuscript and should request the evaluation of the manuscript to a reviewer who has professional knowledge and fair judgment ability in the relevant field. And until the publication of the submitted manuscript is decided, information about the author or the contents of the manuscript must not be disclosed to anyone other than the reviewer.
5. Reviewers must evaluate the article fairly based on objective criteria, regardless of personal academic beliefs or personal close relationship with the author. The confidentiality of the article should be kept. It is also not advisable to show the thesis to others or to discuss the content of the thesis with others.
6. In research activities, basic research ethics recommended by the law, the society's regulations, and academic circles must be observed.