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2020, Vol., No.88

The Source of Civil Law in Chosun Dynasty and Concept of Law - On Behalf of Conceptualization of Civil Law Source in Chosun Dynasty -
Lee, Young-Lok | 2020, (88) | pp.1~28 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Major Contents and Legislative Tasks of the Revised Act on Ownership and Management of Condominium Buildings
Kim Na Rae | 2020, (88) | pp.29~55 | number of Cited : 6
Measures for claiming damages under the Product Liability Act for Mobile Phones
Park, Bong-Cheol | 2020, (88) | pp.57~80 | number of Cited : 1
The problems and suggestions of China's small claims system
JINMEI-LAN | 2020, (88) | pp.81~101 | number of Cited : 0
Reform and Implications from the UK Stewardship Code
Hwang, Jung-Mi | 2020, (88) | pp.103~128 | number of Cited : 0
Formation and development of franchise related regulations in Vietnam
Lee Joonpyo | 2020, (88) | pp.129~147 | number of Cited : 2
Law and Economics as the Methodology of Administrative Law - Review on the Distribution Industry Development Act through the Coase Theorem -
Bang,Jung-Mi | 2020, (88) | pp.149~178 | number of Cited : 3
A study on the legal protection for in-house subcontracting under the Occupational Safety and Health Act
Na, Min-oh | 2020, (88) | pp.179~213 | number of Cited : 1
Legal Issues on Service Subsidies in the WTO and Implications for the Cultural Industries
HYUNHO KWON | 2020, (88) | pp.215~243 | number of Cited : 0
A research on the necessity for telemedicine in the digital healthcare era
Lee, Joo-Hee | 2020, (88) | pp.245~272 | number of Cited : 4
Claiming Convention Priority and Subjective Requirement in PCT Filing
Chihyun KWON | 2020, (88) | pp.273~299 | number of Cited : 2
A Legal Study on an Adequate compensation method for Promoting the Employee Invention
Park Eunyoung | 2020, (88) | pp.301~328 | number of Cited : 1