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2014, Vol.7, No.3

Staging the Fool and the “Stage of Fools”: King Lear by Shakespeare and Kozintsev
Hwanhee PARK | 2014, 7(3) | pp.5~20 | number of Cited : 0
Social Latitude, Awareness and Personal Capability: The Problem of Agency in Chang-rae Lee’s A Gesture Life
Stephen JOYCE | 2014, 7(3) | pp.21~44 | number of Cited : 1
Buddhist Reflections on an American Tragedy: A New Reading of Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire
Vishma KUNU | 2014, 7(3) | pp.45~56 | number of Cited : 0
The Predicament of Hybridity in The Body
Oh Hyun Sook | 2014, 7(3) | pp.57~78 | number of Cited : 0
The Rise of the Posthuman Brain: Computational Neuroscience, Digital Networks and the ‘In Silico Cerebral Subject’
Sven STOLLFUß | 2014, 7(3) | pp.79~103 | number of Cited : 1
Enframing: Art’s Epoche and the Promethean Community
Peter W. Milne | 2014, 7(3) | pp.105~124 | number of Cited : 0
The Normalization of Universal Male Conscription in South Korean Society and the State Regulation of Draft Evasion and Conscientious Objection: 1950–1993
Peter W. MILNE | 2014, 7(3) | pp.125~161 | number of Cited : 0