Which of the modern poets of Korea will be frequently found in the public? Which poems will be found in the public? To answer this question, they used Big Data, which has recently been in the spotlight.
The study's data collection and analysis used Google Trends, thumb trends, and social metrics. The analysis procedure searched for 100 poets with Google Trends. 27 people with high frequency of search were compared. The study had a reputation analysis of 13 of the 27 poets.
The first analysis of the study showed that Kim So-wol, Han Yong-woon, Seo Jung-joo, Kim Chun-soo and Jung Ji-yong had a high number of searches. The relevant search result for the study was Kim So-wol's "Azaleas", "Invocation of the spirits of the dead", "Some distant day", "A mountain flower", "My house" and Han Yong-woon's "Your silence", "I don't know", "Obedience", Seo Jeong-joo's "By Chrysanthemum", "Self-portrait", Kim Chun-Soo is "Flower", Jung Ji-young is "Fragrance", "Lake", "Springtime". Yoon Dong-joo is "Prologue poem", "Starry Night", "Self-portrait", "Cross", "Confession", "Hometown", "Written easily", "Shoot the Moon". The Poet Kim Soo-young had many searches for the comedian Kim Soo-young.
The living poets are the order of An Do-hyeun, Do Jong-hwan, Jung Ho-seung, Kim Ji-ha, and Kim Yong-taek. The search word of An Do-hyeon discovered as "Ask you", "Permeating there", "A piece of briquette" and 'a used briquet', 'briquette' of poetic diction. Do Jong-hwan discovered as "You, the Hollyhock", "An ivy" and 'senator', 'minister', poet Jung Ho-seung discovered as "Spring road", "To Daffodil", "Unbearable letter". And Kim Ji-ha searched out "Burning thirst", Kim Yong-taek searched out "Seomjin River", "You are so good", "Spring day" and "A wild chrysanthemum". However, the poet Ko eun was more searched by Ko eun, the leader of the girl group.
In the analysis of Opinion Mining, affirmative responses of related words are in order of Do Jong-hwan, Kim Yong-taek, Kim Chun-Soo, Han Yong-woon, Jung Ho-seung, An Do-hyeon, Jung Ji-young, Kim So-wol, Seo Jeong-joo, Yoon Dong-joo, Kim Ji-ha.
Yoon Dong-joo's neutral reaction was interpreted as disturbance factor related to internet shopping mall. Yoon Dong-joo's search volume in Google Trent was excessive due to sales of Internet shopping malls.
In the analysis of Opinion Mining, the highest order of positive response was analyzed by Kim So-wol, Han Yong-woon, Yoon Dong-joo, Jung Ji-young, Do Jong-hwan, Kim Yong-taek, Jung Ho-seung, An Do-hyeon.
Ko eun poet and Kim Ji-ha poet have received increasingly negative reputation from the public. An Do-hyeon, Jung Ho-seung, Do Jong-hwan and Kim Yong-taek are expected to increase their positive reputation gradually. Therefore, the translation work for the globalization of modern Korean poetry should be focused on the poems of An Do-hyeon, Jung Ho-seung, Do Jong-hwan and Kim Yong-taek.