T&I REVIEW 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 1.52
pISSN : 2233-9221 / eISSN : 2713-8720
- https://journal.kci.go.kr/erits
pISSN : 2233-9221 / eISSN : 2713-8720
Guidelines for Contributors
1. Manuscript format: Microsoft Word
2. Languages: English, Korean, Chinese, French, and Japanese
3. Length: Approximately 7,000 words (15 pages, not exceeding 25 pages). Abstracts should be approx. 150 words in English. Five keywords in English should be provided.
4. Font: Times New Roman 12pt, Korean BareunBatangL 10pt, Chinese SimSun 10 pt,
Japanese MS Mincho 10 pt
5. Justification:
Title, section headings, including references and appendix,
should be center-aligned. Author's name and affiliation, which should be placed between the title and the abstract, must be right-aligned. Abstract, keywords, and the text must be aligned at both the left and right margins (full justification). All new paragraphs must be indented 10 pt.
6. Spacing: Single line spacing throughout. Use a single space following a period or colon.
7. Title: 14pt bold, one line space below.
8. Articles should be divided into sections and subsections as necessary. Please mark the hierarchy of subheadings as follows:
Heading A = bold, center-aligned,
lines space above and below.
Heading B = Italics, bold, left-aligned, one line space above and one line space below.
Heading C = Italics, bold, left-aligned, one line space above, text on new line, no line space below.
Abstract = Italics, first paragraph must be indented 10pt, one line space above and one line space below.
9. Quotations over 40 words should be indented (left and right 1cm) and italicized without quotation marks. Short quotations in the text itself should be marked with quotation marks.
10. Spelling conventions should be consistent (either American English
or British English). Proofreading is required before submission.
11. The first page of the manuscript
should include the title, author's name and affiliation, position, abstract, and text.
12. The last page of the manuscript
should include a brief biographical sketch of the author or authors. Email addresses for each author should also be provided.
13. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively and provided with brief captions. Tables and figures should be referred to in the main text. All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text rather than at the end of it. Titles for tables should precede the tables and the titles for figures should be placed below
the figures. One line spacing is required between the table or figure and the following paragraph.
14. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and should be kept to a minimum.
15. Referencing style: APA (see examples in “Referencing style’’ section below). References should list all references cited in the article. All
references must be included in the reference list except for unpublished items such as correspondence. References should be listed alphabetically and
16. The author should obtain any necessary permission to use
copyrighted materials and/or ethical clearance necessary for the publication of their papers. The author(s) retains copyright of articles but grants T&I Review right
of first print and electronic publication.
17. The manuscript should not have been previously published nor be under review by another journal. However, a revised version of a previous publication will be considered if accompanied with proper acknowledgment.
18. All contributions will be subjected to a double blind peer-review process. Reviewers will determine whether or not the manuscript is
ready for publication with/without revisions. Comments and suggestions for revisions, if needed, will be sent to the author and the author will be requested to provide a final draft of the manuscript by the due date.
19. Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent electronically to: erits@ewha.ac.kr
[In-text references]
Work by a single author
Gile's (1995) effort model for
consecutive interpreting...
Goffman (1981: 8) states that...
According to Kiraly (1995: 7), ...
Work by two authors
Stern and Liu (2019) found that….
According to Gran and Dodds (1989)
Work by three or more authors
Gonzalez et al. (1991: 100) demonstrate that...
Provide page references where necessary and
provide citation in a chronological order.
(Stern 2012; Lee 2019; Pym 2023)
[End-text referencing]
English references followed by non-English references.
Hanging indent (1cm): The first line of each reference is fully left justified while subsequent lines are indented to the right. The width of the hanging indent should be 1cm.
Chang, C. and Schallert, D. L. (2007). The impact of
directionality on Chinese/English
simultaneous interpreting. Interpreting 9(2): 137-176.
Lee, J. (2009a). Conflicting views on court interpreting: examined through surveys of legal professionals and
interpreters. Interpreting 11(1):
Lee, J. (2009b). Interpreting inexplicit
language during courtroom examination. Applied
Linguistics 30(1): 93-114.
J., Hayes, D. and Mills, M. (2009). Crossing school and university boundaries
to reshape professional learning and research practices. Professional
Development in Education 36(3): 491-509.
邱懋如. (2001). 可译性及零翻译.
中国翻译 22(1):
遠山仁美, 松原茂樹. (2007). 英日同時通訳者発話におけるフィラーの出現と聴きやすさとの 関係. 通訳翻訳研究 7: 39-50.
Hale, S. B. (2007). Community Interpreting.
Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lakoff, G. and Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors
We Live By. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
G. (1982). Palimpsestes: La Littérature au second degré. Paris: Seuil.
王华树. (2009). 翻译技术实践. 北京:外文出版社.
Hale, S., Ozolins, U. and Stern, L. (eds.) (2009). The Critical Link 5: Quality
in Interpreting-
A Shared Responsibility. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John
chapter in an edited volume:
M. (2017). ‘I can’t get no satisfaction!’ Should we blame translation
technologies or shifting business practices?. In Kenny, D. (ed.), Human
Issues in Translation Technology. London & New York: Routledge, 45-62.
T. and Sosoni, V. (2023). Institutional translator training in language and
translation technologies. In Svoboda, T., Ł. Biel, and V. Sosoni (eds.), Institutional
Translator Training. London: Routledge, 73-91.
The second and third editors’ first name
initials precede last names.
Freud, S. (1970). An Outline
of Psychoanalysis
(J. Strachey, Trans.). New York: Norton.
Baigorri-Jalón, J. (2014). From Paris
to Nuremberg: The Birth of Conference Interpreting (H. Mikkelson, and B. S.
Olsen, Trans.). Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins.
Unpublished dissertations:
Saldanha, G. (2005). Style of
Translation: An Exploration of Stylistic Patterns in the Translations of
Margaret Jull Costa and Peter Bush. PhD dissertation, Dublish City University.
朴恩淑. (2012). 中韩语篇对比与翻译研究. 复旦大学博士论文.
Anderson, V. (1991, April). Training teachers to foster active reading strategies in reading-disabled
adolescents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Aranberri, N., Labaka, G., Diaz de
Ilarraza, A. and Sarasola, K. (2014). Comparison of post-editing productivity
between professional translators and lay users. In O’Brien, S., M. Simard, and
L. Specia (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Association for
Machine Translation in the Americas. Association for Machine Translation in
the Americas, 20-33.
Electronic sources:
AUSIT. (n.d.). AUSIT Guidelines
for Health Professionals Working with Interpreters (online) Retrieved from http://www.ausit.org/pics/HealthGuide08.pdf
on date month
[Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters].
(2020). Requirements
for Continuing Education (online) Retrieved from
on 4 February 2023.
Articles in newspapers & magazines:
Delaney, K. J., Karnitschnig, M., and Guth, R. A. (2008, May 5). Microsoft ends pursuit of Yahoo, reassesses its online options. The Wall
Street Journal, pp. A1, A12.
Non-English references in
English manuscripts should be presented in English.
Laktorin-Inoue, K. (1991). Kokusaikajidai no tsuyakukyouiku - totaaru komiyunikeeshion no susume (Interpreter training in the era of
internationalization - Towards total communication). Kiyou
25: 23-61.
Lee, W. (2000). Discourse Analysis. Seoul: Hankukmunhwasa.
Lee, H. (1999). Efficient
methods for vocabulary teaching. In Lee, H. (eds.), English
Teaching and
Learning Methods. Seoul: Hankukmunhwasa, 185-204.
Won, J. (2010). Directionality in
Korean-English simultaneous
interpreting strategies. Interpreting and Translation 12(1): 131-156.
Yang, C. (2007). Interpreting Education:
Theory and
Practice (J. Son,
Y. Kim, and H. Ahn, Trans.). Seoul: Hankukmunhwasa.