Heo, Kyoon(1569, Sunjo 3~1618, Kwanghegoon 10) is a writer who showed life and literary eccentric conduct which transcend period. The goal of this thesis is to study a passage of his theory of literature by examining the individualistic syntax of Heo, Kyoon which is revealed in 「theory of literature[文說]」.
Heo, Kyoon could meet with new theories of literature in then reform of period and thought, and he came to present his own literature theory by accepting these positively. What are representative are 「theory of literature[文說]」 and 「poem advocacy[詩辨]」 etc.
Heo, Kyoon clarified that the goal of literature that he, himself aims at in speech achievement by presenting the theory of literature of Confucius, and clarified that sentence is for practicing ‘Tongsanghajijung(通上下之情)’ and ‘Jegidoijun(載其道而傳)’.
Here, ‘Tongsanghajijung(通上下之情)’ and ‘Jegidoijun(載其道而傳)’ are different from the logic of classical theory which is based on existing Confucian literature theory.
Heo, Kyoon thought that sentiment of people should be base and then social question should be made as contents. That is, he emphasized people nature and actuality nature that sentence aims at.
Heo, Kyoon aimed at his own individualistic sentence through Dangsejisangeo(當世之常語) on the basis of principle recognition for this classics.
Dangsejisangeo(當世之常語) is important point to understand the theory of literature of Heo, Kyoon. So, everyday language was confirmed in work by classifying into 3 items. First, it is sentence in which life of people and simple feeling are included. Second, it is sentence to be proper for reflecting period. Third, he arranged from the viewpoint to be sentence to take serious view of the argument of the other person and proved by presenting the real sentence of Heo, Kyoon that this is revealed as example. After all, Heo, Kyoon tried to write his own sentence on the basis of Dangsejisangeo(當世之常).
Lastly, this researcher examined about law that Heo, Kyoon insists. Rethorical expression for easier method, long method, and character method that Heo, Kyoon used is not divisional argument to consider the feature of individual style but it is including comprehensive and universal argument for prose whole. However, consideration for this rhetorical layer is contrary to the viewpoint of literary men at the first half part of Chosun that literature recognition to be Mooijedo(文以載道) overflowed. Then, the meaning is found in that it presented method to highlight subject in sentence. On the contrary, it was confirmed that origin of law has relation with the literature of school of Dang and Song.