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/ Montreal Gazette
Chalmers Johnson
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/ Metropolitan/Owl Book
George McT. Kahin
/ 1987
/ Intervention: How America became Involved in Vietnam
/ Anchor Press
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Kyudok Hong
/ 1991
/ Unequal Partners: ROK-US Relations during the Vietnam War
/ Ph. D
/ University of South Carolina
Howard Bliss
/ 1975
/ Beyond Water’s Edge: America’s Foreign Policies
/ J.B. Lippincott Company
: 3~7
Stephen Eric Noerper
/ 1993
/ The Tigers Leap: The Korean Drive for National Prestige and World Approval
/ Ph.D
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Eric V. Larson
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John E. Mueller
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/ War, Presidents and Public Opinion
/ John Wiley & Sons, Inc
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Stephen T. Hosmer
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/ Constraints on U.S. Strategy in Third World Conflicts
/ Crane Russak & Company
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/ 베트남전쟁 학술세미나
Karl W. Deutch
/ 1978
/ The Analysis of International Relations
/ Prentice Hall, Inc
Robert O. Kohane
/ 1977
/ Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition
/ Little, Brown
Joseph S. Nye
/ 2000
/ Understanding International Relations
/ Longman
Harry Magdoff
/ 1969
/ The Age of Imperialism: The Economics of U.S. Foreign Policy
/ Monthly Review Press
Joyce Kolko
/ 1974
/ American and the Crisis of World Capitalism
/ Beacon Press
Donald Kagan
/ 1969
/ The Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War
/ Cornell University Press
Timothy N. Catsle
/ 1993
/ At War in the Shadow of Vietnam: U.S. Military Aid to the Rotal Lao Government 1955~1975
/ Columbia University Press
William C. Westmoreland
/ 1976
/ A Soldier Report
/ Dell Book
: 336~337
Christopher Lamb
/ 1982
/ The Future of Conflicts in the 1980s
/ Center for Strategic and International Studies
: 347~
Bruce D. Porter
/ 1985
/ Coalition Defense and Cooperative Forces in the Third World: Report of a Rand Conference
: 82~
Gary S. Thomas
/ 1984
/ Mercenary Troops in Modern Africa
/ Westview Press
: 2~
Bertil Duner
/ 1981
/ Proxy Intervention in Civil Wars
/ Journal of Peace Research
: 358~
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/ 국방개혁실 내부문건
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/ 대반란전 사례연구
/ 국방부 군사편찬연구소
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/ 2016
/ 대반란전 전사연구
: 265~
/ 2013
/ 베트남전쟁 시기 한미관계의 변화
/ 국방부 군사편찬연구소 주관 학술회의
: 23~
U.S. Congress
/ 1975
/ A Staff Report for Committee of Foreign Relations, Korea and the Philippines: November 1972
: 15~
Kyudok Hong
/ Unequal Partners: ROK-US Relations during the Vietnam War
: 236~
/ 2016
/ 베트남 전쟁과 한국군 십자성작전의재조명
/ 베트남 전쟁 학술세미나 발표논문
/ 국방부 군사편찬연구소
: 76~
Hwang Sok-yong
/ 2014
/ The Shadow of Arms
/ Cornell East Asia Program
Robert O. Keohane
/ 1971
/ The Big Influence of Small Allies
/ Foreign Policy
: 162~
Chang Jin Park
/ 1975
/ The Influences of Small States upon the Superpowers: United States-South Korean Relations as a Case study, 1950-1953
/ World Politics
: 95~117
Astri Surke
/ 1973
/ Gratuity or Tyranny: The Korean Alliances
/ World Politics
: 508~532
Trung Nhu Tang
/ 1986
/ A Vietcong Memoir: An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath
/ Vintage Books
: 202~
/ 1976
/ Allies Called Koreans: A Report from Vietnam
/ Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars
: 58~72
/ 2013
/ 한국군의 베트남전 참전에 관한 베트남의 인식과 반응에 관한 고찰
/ 국방부 군사편찬연구소 주관 학술회의
: 66~
See Remco E. Breuker
/ 2009
/ Korea’s Forgotten War: Appropriating and subverting the Vietnam War in Korean popular imaginings
/ Korean Histories
Todd Greentree
/ 2009
/ A Letter from Bagram
/ The American Interest
: 17~19
/ 2008
/ Also Crossroads of Intervention: Insurgency and Counterinsurgency Lessons from Central America
Bruce Bennett
/ 2004
/ OIF Lessons Learned: Implications for the ROK Army
/ National Security Research Division of RAND
/ 2004
/ 이라크 전쟁의 교훈 : 한국군에 대한 적용
/ 육군 교육사령부
Bruce Bennett
/ 2006
/ A Brief Analysis of the Republic of Korea’s Defense Reform Plan
/ Rand
/ 2016
/ 핵 동결과 평화협정의 교환이 답이다
/ 중앙일보
/ 2000
/ 베트남 평화협정 및 중동 평화협정
/ 전략연구
/ 한국전략문제연구소
Albert Carnesale
/ 1987
/ Superpowr Arms Control: Setting the Record Straight
/ Ballinger Publishing Company
: 65~103
Ronald J. Stupak
/ 1976
/ American Foreign Policy: Assumptions, Processes, and Projections
/ Harper & Row, Publishers
Raymond Bonner
/ 1988
/ Waltzing with a Dictator: Marcoses and the Making of American Policy
/ Vintage Books
Gregory Pemberton
/ 1987
/ All the Way: Australia’s Road to Vietnam
/ Allen & Unwin
Thomas R. Heavens
/ 1987
/ Fire Across the Sea: The Vietnam War and Japan 1965-1975
/ Princeton University Press
Ernest R. May
/ 1973
/ Lessons of the Past: The Use and Misuse of History in American Foreign Policy
/ Oxford University Press