author={Han, Yu-Jin},
title={Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-},
journal={Journal of Humanities},
AU - Han, Yu-Jin
TI - Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-
JO - Journal of Humanities
PY - 2014
VL - null
IS - 53
PB - Institute for Humanities
SP - 179
EP - 207
SN - 1598-8457
AB - The theme of this paper is for a new understanding of familiarimages in our ordinary lives. With the advancement of diverse mediain today’s society, we are exposed to stimulation from brilliant visualimages from the moment we wake up in the morning. Theadvancement of such technologies has made the production anddistribution of images easier, and people’s lives today cannot bementioned without being separated from images; as such, today’speople are flooded with images in their lives. However, most of theimages are artificial ones that merely possess superficial meanings,and they are images without any resonance. For that reason, it wasconcluded that this is a period in which the original role of imagesshould be considered. A chapter of new perceptions about images is tobe opened by describing images of the past, which played the role ofdelivering a specific meaning by transcending the rational perceptionof people.
Originally, an image stemmed from an activity that expressed thedesires of ancient people. They tried to change reality throughcommunion with images that they drew, and incantation began on thisbasis. That is, it would be correct to see that an image originatedfrom the nature of incantation. This paper considered that it is most important to think about the attributes of such an image. Also, it isthe essence of this paper to view images anew by introspection onthe fundamental meanings of the images that inundate contemporarysociety.
KW - Image;Magic;Symbol;Collective Unconscious;Archetype
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Han, Yu-Jin. (2014). Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-. Journal of Humanities, 53, 179-207.
Han, Yu-Jin. 2014, "Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-", Journal of Humanities, no.53, pp.179-207.
Han, Yu-Jin "Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-" Journal of Humanities 53 pp.179-207 (2014) : 179.
Han, Yu-Jin. Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-. 2014; 53 : 179-207.
Han, Yu-Jin. "Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-" Journal of Humanities no.53(2014) : 179-207.
Han, Yu-Jin. Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-. Journal of Humanities, 53, 179-207.
Han, Yu-Jin. Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-. Journal of Humanities. 2014; 53 179-207.
Han, Yu-Jin. Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-. 2014; 53 : 179-207.
Han, Yu-Jin. "Image of Magic -A New Understanding of the Image-" Journal of Humanities no.53(2014) : 179-207.