author={Kim Hwa Ja},
title={AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -},
journal={Journal of Humanities},
AU - Kim Hwa Ja
TI - AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -
JO - Journal of Humanities
PY - 2017
VL - null
IS - 65
PB - Institute for Humanities
SP - 61
EP - 94
SN - 1598-8457
AB - The purpose of the fourth industrial revolution is to produce and give services on the spot by utilizing O2O (Online To Offline) regardless of time and space that combine production, consumers’ demand and virtual information online and offline. This study has examined why the 020 Platform in the fourth industrial revolution should be based on AR rather than VR that is disconnected from real space. This study investigated the ontological feature of AR based on two: Gilbert Simondon’s idea of imagination and images that emphasized the cooperative ensembles between human beings and machine and Jean-Luc Nancy’s concept of the community of Ectopie and corpus that concentrated on the social and existential feature of humans based on the spirit of community. As a result, AR has turned out to be mediational reality through which the users can maintain reality in the process of their experience as they are maintaining the relations of mutual recognition and imagination between the real objects and virtual information.
AR Platform, therefore, is superior to VR in that it can help recover the value of existential and analogue life with which the users can commune with human skills and emotions. Through its revolutionary changes, AR Platform in the fourth industrial revolution can help the main agent to make a progressive interaction with virtual information — when confronted by the catastrophe of the technological self-organization — and can advance into the new realms of education and careers and provide a new opportunity to create effective, sustainable, and emotional communities.
KW - Augmented Reality;Ectopie;Fourth industrial revolution;Imagination;Nancy;Online to Offline;Simondon
DO - 10.31310/HUM.065.03
ER -
Kim Hwa Ja. (2017). AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -. Journal of Humanities, 65, 61-94.
Kim Hwa Ja. 2017, "AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -", Journal of Humanities, no.65, pp.61-94. Available from: doi:10.31310/HUM.065.03
Kim Hwa Ja "AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -" Journal of Humanities 65 pp.61-94 (2017) : 61.
Kim Hwa Ja. AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -. 2017; 65 : 61-94. Available from: doi:10.31310/HUM.065.03
Kim Hwa Ja. "AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -" Journal of Humanities no.65(2017) : 61-94.doi: 10.31310/HUM.065.03
Kim Hwa Ja. AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -. Journal of Humanities, 65, 61-94. doi: 10.31310/HUM.065.03
Kim Hwa Ja. AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -. Journal of Humanities. 2017; 65 61-94. doi: 10.31310/HUM.065.03
Kim Hwa Ja. AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -. 2017; 65 : 61-94. Available from: doi:10.31310/HUM.065.03
Kim Hwa Ja. "AR as O2O Platform in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - The Ontological Feature of AR as a Field of Interaction -" Journal of Humanities no.65(2017) : 61-94.doi: 10.31310/HUM.065.03