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2019, Vol.46, No.1

Degree of Conversion and Polymerization Shrinkage of Low and High Viscosity Bulk-Fill Giomer-based and Resin-based composites
Heera Kim , Jaesik Lee , Kim, Hyun - Jung and 2 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.1~9 | number of Cited : 0
Eruption Stage of Permanent Teeth Using Diagnostic Model Analysis in Kyung Hee Dental Hospital
Taejun Oh , NAM OK HYUNG , Kim Mi Sun and 3 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.10~20 | number of Cited : 2
Effects of Saliva Contamination on Shear Bond Strength with Conventional, Moisture Insensitive, and Self-Etching Primers
Yoonjeong Oh , Sohee Oh | 2019, 46(1) | pp.21~28 | number of Cited : 2
Factors Influencing Prognosis of Traumatized Tooth in Primary Tooth Intrusion
Yong Kwon Chae , Yoonkyung Han , NAM OK HYUNG and 4 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.29~37 | number of Cited : 1
Relationship between Upper Airway and Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Children with Mouth Breathing
Doyoung Kim , LEE DAE-WOO , KIM JAE GON and 1 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.38~47 | number of Cited : 3
Measuring Agreement of Modified MP3 and CVMS according to BMI Percentile
Seoksoon Yi , LEE DAE-WOO , Yang Yeon Mi and 1 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.48~56 | number of Cited : 0
Evaluation of High-power Light Emitting Diode Curing Light on Sealant Polymerization
Youngjun Park , Je-Woo Lee , Ra Jiyoung | 2019, 46(1) | pp.57~63 | number of Cited : 1
Comparison of Crown Shape and Amount of Tooth Reduction for Primary Anterior Prefabricated Crowns
Soyoung Kim , Youjin Lim , LEE, SANG-HO and 2 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.64~75 | number of Cited : 3
Comparison of the Microleakage and Shear Bond Strength to Dentine of Different Tricalcium Silicate-based Pulp Capping Materials
Miri Kim , Wansun Jo , Jih Myeong-kwan and 2 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.76~84 | number of Cited : 0
Cytotoxicity of Various Calcium Silicate-based Materials with Stem Cells from Deciduous Teeth
Jihye Yun , Yong-Ouk You , Ahn Eunsuk and 2 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.85~92 | number of Cited : 1
Color Distribution Analysis of Maxillary Primary Central Incisors using a Spectrophotometer
Seoksoon Yi , Jihye Jang , LEE DAE-WOO and 2 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.93~100 | number of Cited : 2
SEM/EDS Analysis of the Enamel in Mesiodens
Nakyeong Oh , Jaesik Lee , NAM Soon-Hyeun and 2 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.101~110 | number of Cited : 0
Post-endodontic Restoration on Erupting Permanent First Molars Using Endocrown with a Polyglass Composite Resin: Report of Two Cases
Hyuntae Jeong , Kim Seon Mi , Jaehwan Kim and 1 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.111~118 | number of Cited : 0
Effects of Myofunctional Appliance in Children with Sleep-Disordered Breathing: Two Case Reports
Hojin Shim , Tae-sung Jeong , Shin Kim and 1 other persons | 2019, 46(1) | pp.119~126 | number of Cited : 0