Objectives: This study was aimed to find out the characteristics of ordinary symptoms betweenthe control and patient groups, diagnosed as overweight or obesity, in Soyang, Taeeum, andSoeum Constitutions and among those 3 groups.
Methods: As a prospective cross-sectional study based on medical records, 9213 patients, whovisited Kyung Hee University Medical Center from May in 2007 to June in 2010, were included.
To diagnose the constitution, Revised Questionnaire for the Sasang Constitution Classification II and examinations by oriental medical doctors who majored in Sasang Constitution Medicinewere performed. Based on the World Health Organization criteria for Asian obesity assessment,body mass index (BMI) was classified into 3 groups; more than 25 as obesity, 23 to 25 asoverweight, and less than 23 as normal. Ordinary symptoms questionnaire, which consists of 46questions in 8 categories, were given to the subjects. One-way ANOVA test in continuousvariables and chi-square test in categorical variables were carried out to analyze statisticalsignificance.
Results and Conclusions: 1) In general characteristics, we could find out the significantdifferences in age, sex, height, weight, BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, total cholesterol,triglyceride, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol,fasting blood sugar, and hemoglobin A1c among the 3 Constitutional groups. 2) SoyangConstitution of overweight and obesity has tendency to have higher appetite, like cool or coldwater, defecate more, swear more, dislike heat, and have warmer or hotter extremities in theordinary symptoms, compared with the control group. 3) Taeeum Constitution of overweight andobesity has tendency to have higher appetite, like cool or cold water, defecate more, swear more,dislike heat, and have warmer or hotter extremities in the ordinary symptoms, compared with thecontrol group. 4) Soeum Constitution of overweight and obesity has tendency to have higherappetite and less fatigue in the ordinary symptoms, compared with the control group. 5) SoeumConstitution showed the slightest increase in appetite, preference about room temperaturewater, less number of feces, and feeling of chill and warmer extremities in ordinary symptoms,compared with Soyang and Taeeum Constitutions. Taeeum Constitution showed the distinctincrease in appetite and sweating in ordinary symptoms, compared with Soyang and SoeumConstitutions.