Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics in elderly populationwith obesity by analyzing their blood test.
Methods: Included 130 subjects of aged 60 or older went through body composition test, andblood test. We divided them into obesity group and normal group based on body mass index (BMI)results, and then the blood test results were compared between the groups.
Results: Forty out of 130 subjects had BMI of 25 or more. Two groups showed significantdifference in bilirubin total, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), cholesterol total, triglyceride, highdensity lipoprotein (HDL), red blood cell (RBC), hematocrite, mean corpuscular hemoglobinconcentration, and platelet. All but HDL levels showed significantly higher results in obesity groupthan normal group. When compared with BMI, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, ALT, cholesteroltotal, triglyceride, white blood cell (WBC), and RBC had significant positive correlations. Amongthose, cholesterol total, triglyceride, WBC, and RBC showed significant difference between twogroups, with correlation to BMI. Especially, the average of triglyceride was higher than normallimit in obesity group, whereas it was lower than normal limit in normal group.
Conclusions: Triglyceride, cholesterol total, WBC, and RBC are highly related to obese elderly inthis study. Old people with obesity need to be careful of cardiovascular and metabolic disease thatcan be caused by these factors.