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Analysis of Food Intake and Physical Activity in Randomized Controlled Trials on Herbal Medicine for Treatment of Human Obesity

  • Journal of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research
  • Abbr : J Korean Med Obes Res
  • 2013, 2(2), pp.58~65
  • Publisher : The Society of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > Korean Medicine

김두희 1 신우석 2 박원형 3 Cha Yun Yeop 3 SONG YUN KYUNG 4 Min-Youn Ahn 5 KO SEONG-GYU 6

1상지대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과교실
2상지대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과 교실
4가천대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학교실


Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyse the methods being used to control foodintake and physical activity in RCTs of human obesity. Methods: A total of 21 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were investigated. Nine of which weredomestic studies from “http://oasis.kiom.re.kr” and the other of which were foreign studies fromsystematic reviews of RCTs on herbal medicine for treatment of human obesity. Results: According to domestic studies, “low calorie diet” were recommended in five cases of thedomestic studies , “maintain current dietary habit” were recommended in two and no informationon diet was two. Considering the seven cases where the information on diet was available,patients’ food intake were checked at every visit in six cases. Only two cases among the six hadbeen dropped owing to the violation of dietary habit by patients. Exercises were prohibited in twocases, “maintain current level of phisical activity” were recommended in three cases and, from therest, no information was available. The level of physical activity were not strictly controlled by anymeans hence no drop out. According to foreign studies, “low calorie diet” were recommended intwo cases, “very low calorie diet (less than 700 kcal/day)” in one case, “maintain current dietaryhabit” in two cases, “do not eat fat” in two cases and no information was available in the rest fivecases. Exercises which concerns spending about 300 kcal/day was recommended in one case,“moderate exercise” were recommended in three cases, “maintain current level of physicalactivity” were recommended in three cases and no information available in the rest five cases. Conclusions: In order to improve the accuracy of RCT, for the dietary side, researchers shouldrecord patient food intake at every visit by means of 24-hour dietary recall methods. This can besupplemented by multiple choice survey that are designed to help patients to diagnosethemselves more accurately leading to less bias. For the exercise side, it is highly recommendedto confine the exercises to walking only so as to quantify the amount of physical activity moreeasily by using pedometer.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.