Objectives: The aim of this study is to analyze methods and outcomes about fasting for obesity in korea medicine research.
Methods: We searched the studies with key words of ‘obesity’ and ‘fasting or starvation’ in Korean database (Korean traditional knowledge portal, OASIS, KISS, KMBASE, DBPIA, RISS). Studies were analyzed for contents, evaluation methods and adverse effects.
Results: Twenty-one studies were reviewed. Studies were published in 1983∼2015. 1. Studies can be classified into three types: comparative study on before and after, comparative study between groups, case study on other disease occurred during the fasting therapy period. 2. The most common step of fasting were 3 steps: reducing food intakes period (3∼5 days), fasting period (7∼10 days) and refeeding period (3∼5 days) and additional period-diet period (28 days). 3. The most common evaluation methods were body weight (BW), body fat mass (BFM), muscle weight (MW), fat free mass, body mass index, body fat percentage, etc. 4. BW, BFM, MW were reduced largely in fasting period. 5. The most common adverse effects were fatigue, nausea, headache, vomiting, insomnia, etc.
Conclusions: As a result of the review papers, fasting therapy have positive effects for obesity. To verify the effectiveness of the fasting, more studies are needed such as randomized controlled trial.