Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.8
pISSN : 2287-1705 / eISSN : 2288-2294
pISSN : 2287-1705 / eISSN : 2288-2294
Manuscript review guidelines
2001. 3. Legislation
2006. 3. Revision
2008. 3. Revision
2011. 3. Revision
2021. 2. Complete Revision
Article 1
According to the 4th clause of the 4th section of the review board member regulation guidelines, the present guidelines are provided for the review of manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene.
Article 2
The review and selection of manuscripts should be performed as per the presentguidelines.
Article 3
The manuscript review process is limited to original articles of research reports on dental hygiene, and Master’s and Ph.D theses. When the submitted article is definedas an academic degree article, it should be published under only the name of the corresponding degree holder.
Article 4
Manuscripts that do not meet the manuscript qualification and submission guidelinesare to be rejected.
Article 5
More than 3 review members, appointed by the manuscript compilation committee,are assigned to each submitted manuscript.
Article 6
The names of the review board member that are assigned to each manuscript will bedisclosed.
Article 7
The results of each review are to be recorded on a manuscript review evaluation form.
Detailed contents of the evaluation should be prepared separately, and the manuscript should be classified as “Publication accepted” or “Publication accepted following amendment; however, the manuscript will undergo another round of review
once corrected.”
① A manuscript that is classified as “Publication accepted” can be published without amendment.
② Authors of manuscripts that are classified as “Publication accepted following amendment” should correct the content that was criticized by the manuscript compilation committee. The manuscript will be accepted for publication afterthe review members confirm the amendment of the criticized contents.
③ Authors of manuscripts that are classified as “Review after amendment” should amend the manuscript. To determine the acceptability of the manuscript for publication, the subsequent review should be performed by thereview board member who performed the initial review.
④ A manuscript is classified as “No publication” when the manuscript isconsidered to be included in one of the following categories:
1. When the study title is lacking significance regarding dental hygiene.
2. When the prepared manuscript contains copied content from previously published material or the contents of other authors’ studies.
3. When the study results lack reliability and appropriateness.
4. When certain corrections could not be made.
Article 8
The contents of the review should not be made available to anyone other than theauthor(s).
Article 9
Regardless of the results of the manuscript review, if the manuscript compilation committee acknowledges that the manuscript does not meet the publication guidelinesof the Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene, the publication of the manuscript
should be rejected.
Article 10
Manuscript review members should accept the review of the manuscript within 5 days after receiving the invitation to review, and should upload the review results within14 days of receiving the manuscript.
Article 11
If the manuscript amendments are not submitted within the allocated time, the publication of the manuscript can be postponed until the next term or the authorscan consider giving up on the publication of the manuscript.