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Language research transformed into the Mass collaboration : Methodology learned from different specialties

  • The Japanese Language Association of Korea
  • Abbr : JLAK
  • 2013, (36), pp.1-21
  • Publisher : The Japanese Language Association Of Korea
  • Research Area : Humanities > Japanese Language and Literature

Ochiai, Yuji 1

1台灣 淡江大學 日本語文學系 教授



There is a phenomenon of "the stagnation of the conventional domain" and "the grope to the new domain" under the influence of globalization now in the field of the study and the education in Japan. This is similar in not only the field of Japanese language study but also other domains. The university greets the times of the crisis now. The society trend placed in "the Japanese study" of 2012 is very symbolic. In the society trend, "the maturity of the Japanese study", "the analysis of the central phenomenon to the analysis of a circumferential phenomenon" and "the maintenance of the corpus" point out stagnation. On the other hand, the trend shows the grope to other domains called "linguistic structure serious consideration to performance serious consideration", "a unitary study method to a complex study method" and "the progress of the computerization of results of research". This article has investigated a visual element of "Taiwan Nichinichi shinpo" and an advertisement, an article entry using the study method of the multi-genre. This article of media text has showed the close relations of both. In the language study. In the language study, groping over a crisis is important by the cooperation with other domains.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.