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Education Operation Research on Infectious Disease Prevention and Management: Focus Group Interview*

  • The Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies
  • Abbr : JTS
  • 2024, 8(1), pp.85-93
  • Publisher : The Society for Transdisciplinary Studies
  • Research Area : Interdisciplinary Studies > Interdisciplinary Research
  • Received : April 17, 2024
  • Accepted : April 24, 2024
  • Published : April 30, 2024

Kyung-hee Kang 1 kim kwang-Hwan 1 Hwang Hye Jeong 2 HyoNam Lim 1




This study was conducted with well-aging education experts as focus group participants to develop an educational program for infectious disease management, and to grasp the basic content needed for educational operation. The participants of this study were 6 professionals responsible for educating the elderly in welfare centers who agreed to participate in the study. The focus group interview was conducted online using ZOOM with the 6 participants as one group for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. According to the research results, the participants stated that no education had been provided related to infectious disease prevention, and there had been a lot of guidance focusing on coping strategies as COVID-19 spread. As for ‘Infectious Disease Management Education Content’, the participants responded that education is necessary on basic content such as hand washing, mask usage, body hygiene management, laundry and waste management, and environmental sanitation management. Regarding ‘Infectious Disease Management Education Target and Duration’, the participants stated that education on infectious disease management should be implemented first for the elderly, disabled, and children who are vulnerable to infections. Most agreed that twice a year, about 50 minutes each time, would be appropriate for the duration of infectious disease management education. The research results suggest that, departing from the existing focus on response measures, a foundation could be established that reflects the educational elements needed in actual educational settings.

Citation status

* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.