title={Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul},
journal={The Korea Spatial Planning Review},
AU - 김병철
TI - Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul
JO - The Korea Spatial Planning Review
PY - 2007
VL - 53
IS - null
PB - 국토연구원
SP - 110
EP - 130
SN - 1229-8638
AB - This research was carried out to find the policy implications of the Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul, which dissolved diverse conflicts and accomplished the successful completion, by analyzing the urban typology of the overall procedure of the project. It comprehensively analyzes the stakeholders, key issues and policy decision processes of the project and examines which one would most appropriately coincide with the urban typology presented by Hank V. Savitch, which comprises elitism, pluralism and corporatism.
As a result of the research, the Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project is explained as a type of elitism throughout the whole process of building, making and implementing policies. The following are its supporting reasons. The process of the project being built and made as a policy was led by a small number of elites; the composition of the committee has the distinct characteristics of a pyramidical class structure; the control by elites is apparent in terms of promoting the project; the restraint against unilateral policy decision and implementation by elite groups was rarely observed, and so forth.
The success of the project explained as a type of elitism presents the following implications. It is necessary to make practical application of urban typology according to the character of the project, the composition of stakeholders, the characteristic of core issues, and the variables in the decision process. Moreover, it suggests the importance of the government’s role in performance, the selection of social operational principle, the understanding of the motive for policy decision, and the formation of the main body promoting projects corresponding with a specific urban typology.
KW - Cheonggye Stream;Conflict;Corporatism;Elitism;PluralismRestoration Project;Urban Typology
DO - 10.15793/kspr.2007.53..007
ER -
김병철. (2007). Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul. The Korea Spatial Planning Review, 53, 110-130.
김병철. 2007, "Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul", The Korea Spatial Planning Review, vol.53, pp.110-130. Available from: doi:10.15793/kspr.2007.53..007
김병철 "Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul" The Korea Spatial Planning Review 53 pp.110-130 (2007) : 110.
김병철. Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul. 2007; 53 110-130. Available from: doi:10.15793/kspr.2007.53..007
김병철. "Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul" The Korea Spatial Planning Review 53(2007) : 110-130.doi: 10.15793/kspr.2007.53..007
김병철. Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul. The Korea Spatial Planning Review, 53, 110-130. doi: 10.15793/kspr.2007.53..007
김병철. Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul. The Korea Spatial Planning Review. 2007; 53 110-130. doi: 10.15793/kspr.2007.53..007
김병철. Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul. 2007; 53 110-130. Available from: doi:10.15793/kspr.2007.53..007
김병철. "Urban Typological Analysis ofthe Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project in Seoul" The Korea Spatial Planning Review 53(2007) : 110-130.doi: 10.15793/kspr.2007.53..007