author={임준홍 and 황재혁 and Kwan-Ryul Lee},
title={An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense},
journal={The Korea Spatial Planning Review},
AU - 임준홍
AU - 황재혁
AU - Kwan-Ryul Lee
TI - An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense
JO - The Korea Spatial Planning Review
PY - 2009
VL - 63
IS - null
PB - 국토연구원
SP - 123
EP - 139
SN - 1229-8638
AB - The purpose of this study is to analysis the actual condition of urban decline for the cities in Chungcheong region, and under what impact structure the urban decline is under way. The major summary of this study is as follows.
First, most cities were being declined except a few cities near metropolitan area in Chungcheong region especially, urban decline was severer in the central ares than the whole cities. Second, According to the analysis on influence structure of urban decline, its primary cause was attributed to an influence of economy, finance, peripheral cities. Such primary cause induced deterioration of residential environment, increase in secondclass citizens, decrease in population ending up the urban decline consequently. However, the direct influence of urban decline was an increase in old houses, increase in secondclass citizens, decrease in population, while indirect influence was an impact on surrounding cities, population reduction & job drought. Third, the causes for urban decline was varied by city, and particularly influenced by the peripheral cities. Therefore, to solve the urban decline problems, providing measures related surrounding cities are necessary as well as a consideration of internal matter of the cities.
KW - Urban Decline;Peculiarity of Urban Decline;Impact Structure of Urban Decline;Urban Regeneration
DO - 10.15793/kspr.2009.63..007
ER -
임준홍, 황재혁 and Kwan-Ryul Lee. (2009). An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense. The Korea Spatial Planning Review, 63, 123-139.
임준홍, 황재혁 and Kwan-Ryul Lee. 2009, "An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense", The Korea Spatial Planning Review, vol.63, pp.123-139. Available from: doi:10.15793/kspr.2009.63..007
임준홍, 황재혁, Kwan-Ryul Lee "An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense" The Korea Spatial Planning Review 63 pp.123-139 (2009) : 123.
임준홍, 황재혁, Kwan-Ryul Lee. An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense. 2009; 63 123-139. Available from: doi:10.15793/kspr.2009.63..007
임준홍, 황재혁 and Kwan-Ryul Lee. "An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense" The Korea Spatial Planning Review 63(2009) : 123-139.doi: 10.15793/kspr.2009.63..007
임준홍; 황재혁; Kwan-Ryul Lee. An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense. The Korea Spatial Planning Review, 63, 123-139. doi: 10.15793/kspr.2009.63..007
임준홍; 황재혁; Kwan-Ryul Lee. An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense. The Korea Spatial Planning Review. 2009; 63 123-139. doi: 10.15793/kspr.2009.63..007
임준홍, 황재혁, Kwan-Ryul Lee. An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense. 2009; 63 123-139. Available from: doi:10.15793/kspr.2009.63..007
임준홍, 황재혁 and Kwan-Ryul Lee. "An Analysis on the Peculiarity and Impact Structure of Urban Decline in Chungcheong Region: A Focus on the Expert’s Sense" The Korea Spatial Planning Review 63(2009) : 123-139.doi: 10.15793/kspr.2009.63..007