Topographic condition is one of the most important things in farming activities. Thetopographic condition didn’t matter for farming in the past because agricultural products hadcompetitive power in the market. So farmers tried to extend their farms without any concern ofchanged and the competitive power of the farming has been getting weak. This study analyzedthe fallow potential in agricultural area by topographic condition so that we have got results asfollows.Maps of elevation, slope, distance from roads and water resources were made for getting afallow probability model in farms, and these 4 factors were used as independent variables whilea variable on whether it is fallow or not is a dependent variable in logistic regression model.fallow orchard showed the highest value of farm lands, 0.973. Cultivated orchard had 0.730 andupland had 0.616 of the fallow probability. The fields having high fallow potential had highelevation, steep slope, and long distance from water resources and roads. Especially, fieldsCorresponding Author: Jang, Gab-Sue, Dept. of Environmental and Ecological Research, Chungnam Development Institute, 138-42 SangDae-Dong, YuSeong-Gu, DaeJeon 305-313, Korea Tel: 82-42-820-1182 Fax: 82-42-820-1129 E-mail: