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Analysis the Effects of Physical Blocking Weirs on the Water Quality in Daechung Reservoir

  • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Abbr : J EIA
  • 2012, 21(1), pp.25~39
  • Publisher : Korean Society Of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Research Area : Engineering > Environmental Engineering

이흥수 1 Chung, Se-woong ORD ID 1 박형석 1 정동환 2

2국립환경과학원 금강물환경연구소



This study was aimed to assess the effects of additional installation of two different types of weirs, one is a curtain-type weir and another is a submerged-type weir, on the control of algal growth in Daechung Reservoir. A two-dimensional(2D) coupled hydrodynamic and eutrophication model that can accommodate vertical movement of the curtain weir following the water surface variations was verified using field data obtained in two distinctive hydrological years; dry(2008) and wet(2010). The model adequately simulated the temporal and spatial variations of water temperature, nutrients and algal(Chl-a) concentrations during the periods. The effectiveness of curtain weir on the control of algal bloom was evaluated by applying the model to 2001(dry year) and 2010 assuming 6 different scenarios according to installation locations. The curtain weirs that already installed at 3, 5, 7 sites(scenario C-2)showed significant effect on the control of algal growth in the reservoir; the reduction rates of algal concentration were placed in the range of 7.5~31.5% and 9.1~44.9% for 2001 and 2010,respectively. However the simulation results revealed that additional installation of curtain weirs(scenario C-3~C-6) in the bay area (choosori) have marginal effect. The effectiveness of submerged weir was evaluated against 2010 assuming 7 different scenarios according to installation locations, but all scenarios(S-1~S-7) showed neglectable or negative effect on the control of algal growth.

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