author={이장호 and Lee,Jong-Chun and Sang Hee Lee and MYUNGJIN KIM and 이유진 and 한아름 and 심규영},
title={The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring},
journal={Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment},
AU - 이장호
AU - Lee,Jong-Chun
AU - Sang Hee Lee
AU - 이유진
AU - 한아름
AU - 심규영
TI - The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring
JO - Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
PY - 2014
VL - 23
IS - 6
PB - Korean Society Of Environmental Impact Assessment
SP - 492
EP - 504
SN - 1225-7184
AB - Feral pigeon (Columba livia) has been known as a good indicator for accumulations ofchemical pollutants in urban areas. However, it is against the animal rights to kill the indicator species in order to monitor pollutants accumulations in wild birds. Eggs and feathers of birds,therefore, have been used as non-invasive monitoring materials. Even though eggs are a goodindicator for accumulations of lipophilic pollutants, but unsuitable for some heavy metals such aslead and cadmium because bird’s ovary builds a sort of barrier to inhibit higher accumulations ofsome heavy metals in the eggs. Therefore, feathers instead of eggs have been used as a non-invasiveindicator for accumulations of heavy metals. However, there are few studies of heavy metalaccumulations of feral pigeon in Korea. In this study, we characterized the characteristics of heavymetal accumulations of feathers in relation to internal organs (bloods, viscera and bones) in feralpigeons between two sites (Hangang Park representing urban area and Hampyeong Park for ruralarea). The samples from the Hangang Park showed significantly higher lead (Pb) concentrations inthe blood, liver and bone than those from Hampyeong Park. The Pb concentration in the featherswas also significantly higher at Hangang Park than at Hampyeong Park. The analytical result forthe breast, wing and tail feathers, and the internal organs (blood, lung, liver, kidney and bone)indicated that the Pb concentrations in the feathers were significantly positively correlated with thelevels in the kidney and bone. Overall, feathers of feral pigeon may be candidate for bioindicator tomonitor for Pb accumulations in urban areas.
KW - Feral Pigeon;Heavy Metal Accumulation;Feather
DO - 10.14249/eia.2014.23.6.492
ER -
이장호, Lee,Jong-Chun, Sang Hee Lee, MYUNGJIN KIM, 이유진, 한아름 and 심규영. (2014). The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring. Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment, 23(6), 492-504.
이장호, Lee,Jong-Chun, Sang Hee Lee, MYUNGJIN KIM, 이유진, 한아름 and 심규영. 2014, "The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring", Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment, vol.23, no.6 pp.492-504. Available from: doi:10.14249/eia.2014.23.6.492
이장호, Lee,Jong-Chun, Sang Hee Lee, MYUNGJIN KIM, 이유진, 한아름, 심규영 "The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring" Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment 23.6 pp.492-504 (2014) : 492.
이장호, Lee,Jong-Chun, Sang Hee Lee, MYUNGJIN KIM, 이유진, 한아름, 심규영. The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring. 2014; 23(6), 492-504. Available from: doi:10.14249/eia.2014.23.6.492
이장호, Lee,Jong-Chun, Sang Hee Lee, MYUNGJIN KIM, 이유진, 한아름 and 심규영. "The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring" Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment 23, no.6 (2014) : 492-504.doi: 10.14249/eia.2014.23.6.492
이장호; Lee,Jong-Chun; Sang Hee Lee; MYUNGJIN KIM; 이유진; 한아름; 심규영. The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring. Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment, 23(6), 492-504. doi: 10.14249/eia.2014.23.6.492
이장호; Lee,Jong-Chun; Sang Hee Lee; MYUNGJIN KIM; 이유진; 한아름; 심규영. The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring. Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment. 2014; 23(6) 492-504. doi: 10.14249/eia.2014.23.6.492
이장호, Lee,Jong-Chun, Sang Hee Lee, MYUNGJIN KIM, 이유진, 한아름, 심규영. The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring. 2014; 23(6), 492-504. Available from: doi:10.14249/eia.2014.23.6.492
이장호, Lee,Jong-Chun, Sang Hee Lee, MYUNGJIN KIM, 이유진, 한아름 and 심규영. "The Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulations in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) Feathers for Environmental Monitoring" Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment 23, no.6 (2014) : 492-504.doi: 10.14249/eia.2014.23.6.492