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The change of core habitats of the cranes due to release of the civilian control zone; CCZ and construction disturbance

Seunghwa Yoo 1 정화영 1 Gyung-Soon Kim 1 유동수 1 Namshin Kim 1 Hwa-Jung Kim 2 Wee-Haeng Hur 2 Jin-Han Kim 2 Ki-Sup Lee 3




The endangered species, The Red-crowned Crane and the White-naped Crane are vulnerable species to the disturbance for human beings. We examined the importance of CCZ for the cranes by comparing the crane’s density in some CCZ-released areas, which are cranes’ wintering site in Cheorwon. We also assessed influence of disturbance such as construction and greenhouses on core habitats of cranes. Our study results suggested that the construction and reclamation in the CCZ shrunk core habitat area while increasing core area of far from the construction and reclamation area. The CCZ has been set since March, 2011 and the number of greenhouse has rapidly increased after 2012. As the number and size of greenhouse in the area where designation of CCZ was cancelled increased, foraging area of cranes diminished. Although the area where designation of CCZ was cancelled seemed to have more human disturbance than CCZ, the foraging density of cranes did not decline and even that of white-naped cranes increased. This could be the influence of artificial food supply at their roosting site. In conclusion, if the area of CCZ decline continuously in the future, density of cranes would decrease.

Citation status

* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.