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Potential and Future Directions of Effect Assessment of Polluted Sediment Using Sediment Elutriates: Effects on Growth and Molecular Biomarkers on Marine Copepod

Won Eun-Ji 1 강예희 2

2한국해양과학기술원 환경기반연구센터



Several bioassays have been performed for assessment of the impact of polluted sediments. The direct exposure method using sediments is limited by difficulty controlling feeding and its effects on organisms. Furthermore, only macro-organisms and benthic organisms are used. To evaluate the potential application of sediment elutriate as a complementary strategy for impact assessment, copepods, small organisms with a short life cycle, were exposed to sediment elutriates, and several end-points were measured. As a result, sediment elutriates prepared from polluted sites caused growth retardation in marine copepods. In terms of molecular biomarkers, antioxidantrelated and chaperone protein gene expression levels were increased in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Thus, we suggest that sediment elutriate tests can provide an effective alternative for toxicity assessment using whole sediment samples. Further studies are required to obtain sufficient data for future applications.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.