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Zooplankton Community as an Indicator for Environmental Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystem: Application of Rotifer Functional Groups for Evaluating Water Quality in Eutrophic Reservoirs

HYE-JI OH ORD ID 1 CHANG KWANG-HYEON ORD ID 1 서동일 1 Gui Sook Nam 2 Eui-Haeng Lee 2 Jeong, Hyungi 3 윤주덕 4 Jong-Min Oh 1

2한국농어촌공사 농어촌연구원



In this study, we analyzed response patterns of rotifer community to eutrophic state, and estimated the applicability of rotifer community as an environmental indicator for highly eutrophicated reservoirs. In order to evaluate the relationships among spatial and temporal distributions and the water quality of rotifer community, we selected the Jundae Reservoir and Chodae Reservoir in Chungcheongnam-do, Korea, which are geographically adjacent but have different water quality, particularly in their eutrophic states. For the analyses on their correlations, monthly survey of water quality and rotifer community, was conducted from April to November 2013 in both reservoirs. The rotifer community was divided into different compositions of functional groups as well as species. Functional groups were classified according to the structure and shape of trophi which can represent feeding behavior of rotifer genus. To reflect ecological characteristics of species, body size and habitat preferences were also considered. Species-based composition did not show a consistent tendency with water quality parameters related with eutrophication. On the contrary, functional group composition showed relatively clear group-specific patterns, increasing or decreasing according to the parameters. The results suggest the possible application of rotifer functional group composition as an indicator for the lentic systems, especially hyper-eutrophicated reservoirs. The present study can suggest the applicability based on the field observations from the limited time scale and sites, and further studies on feeding behavior of the rotifer functional group and its interactions with environmental variables are necessary for the further application.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.