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Statistical Analysis of Water Flow and Water Quality Data in the Imjin River Basin for Total Pollutant Load Management

  • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Abbr : J EIA
  • 2018, 27(4), pp.353-366
  • Publisher : Korean Society Of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Research Area : Engineering > Environmental Engineering

Yong-Chul Cho 1 Hyeon-Mi Choi 1 이영준 1 Ingu Ryu 2 Myunggu Lee 1 구동회 1 최경완 2 Soonju Yu 1

1국립환경과학원 한강물환경연구소



The purpose of this study was assessment the quality of water by using the statistical analysis technique of the Water flow and water quality from January 2012 to December 2016 at the unit basin for total pollutant load management system (TPLMS) in the Imjin River. Water flow and water quality were monitored at an average of 8 day intervals, 11 parameters were used for correlation analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), factor analysis (FA), and cluster analysis (CA). The Hierarchical CA was classified into three according to the change of space, such as natural rivers, urban rivers, point with large influence of point pollution source, it was found that the type of contamination source the similarity of water quality affected the classification of cluster. Using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc Analysis, there were statistically significant differences between mean values among the clusters. Correlation analysis showed the correlation coefficient between CODMn and TOC was 0.951 (p<0.01) and the correlation was statistically significantly higher. According to the result PCA and FA, 3 principal components can explaining 72% of the total variations in water quality characteristics and main factor was EC, BOD5, CODMn, TN, TP and TOC indirect indicators of organic matter and nutrients were influenced. This study presented the regression equation obtained by applying the factor scores to the multiple linear regression analysis and concluded that the management Indirect indicators of organic matter and nutrients is important for water quality management in the Imjin River basin.

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