Library 2.0 advocates a socially rich, multimedia enabled, user originated and communally innovative environment that poses significant opportunities for the libraries to evolve and make themselves even more relevant and significant for her users. This paper presents a case study of the National Library Board of Singapore, in playing a vital role to facilitate the realisation of a long-term key national program, The Singapore Memory (SM) Project. SM embraces the attributes of the Library 2.0 environment to enable the nation’s memory to be collected, organised, preserved, discovered, researched, augmented and created. The output of is an evolving collection of knowledge assets on Singapore along a Singapore Memory Content Continuum of existing content that is steadily augmented with new content. The content will be collected across all formats, in any language, from Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans, from any institution and agency, from Singapore and abroad, and from official and unofficial sources. The utopian scenario of SM Project is that any person, community, group or institution who has ever experienced Singapore in any way or has any material on Singapore will engage actively in the contribution, discovery and creation of content for the project, and thus become advocates to further encourage and catalyse more contribution, discovery and creation. The paper outlines the key approaches, concepts and ideas for the project. An important element is the proliferation, exposure and accessibility of the rich contents envisaged in the project. The SM proliferation plan along with examples of how two existing resources, namely, the Singapore Infopedia, a database of articles on Singapore’s history, culture, people and events and NewspaperSG, an online resource of current and historic Singapore and Malayan newspapers, have been designed are presented to demonstrate how content can be exposed, searched and discovered.