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2020, Vol.54, No.4

A Study on the High School Library-Assisted Instruction Using Human Library: Case of S Girls’ High School Library in Seoul
Miah Cho | 2020, 54(4) | pp.5~26 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Awareness of Librarians for the Establishment of the Policy of the Joint Preservation Archive in Chungnam Library
Kwak, Seung-Jin , Younghee Noh , KANG EUN YEONG and 2 other persons | 2020, 54(4) | pp.27~51 | number of Cited : 4
Analysis of Usage Behaviors for the Electronic Resources of Undergraduates in a Smart Mobile Environment: Focused on the Usage Statistics of the A-Academic Library
Kim Sung-Jin | 2020, 54(4) | pp.53~82 | number of Cited : 2
The Effects of Public Library Service Using Book-Trailer on User Behavioral Reaction
Myoung-A Hong , YI, YONG JEONG , Tae-Seon Jeong | 2020, 54(4) | pp.83~105 | number of Cited : 0
Analysis of Influence Factors Public Library Evaluation: Public Libraries In Chungcheongnam-do
Bae-Jae Shin , Kwak, Seung-Jin | 2020, 54(4) | pp.107~122 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Graduate School Curriculum of the Department of Libraries and Information Sciences in Korea
Younghee Noh , Woojung Kwak | 2020, 54(4) | pp.123~146 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Quality Factors Influencing University Library Re-visitation and Recommendation Intention Analyzed using Structural Equation Model
Mi Ryung Kim , Jong Pil Yu | 2020, 54(4) | pp.147~167 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Design of Metadata for Research Data Management in Forestry Engineering
KIm Ju-Seop , Yeonjung Han , Wonjae Youe and 1 other persons | 2020, 54(4) | pp.169~194 | number of Cited : 3
A Time-series Analysis of the Influence Factors on Public Library Patron Numbers
Kyeong-Jin Lee , Myung Gyu,SONG | 2020, 54(4) | pp.195~220 | number of Cited : 5
Journal Citation Network Analysis of Library and Information Science Field in Korea
Jeong Yoo Kyung | 2020, 54(4) | pp.221~238 | number of Cited : 6
Analysis of the Composition of Editorial Board Members of Domestic Journals Listed in WoS and SCOPUS: Focusing on the Field of Social Science
Seungmin Lee , Oh, Dong-Geun , Ji-suk Yeo | 2020, 54(4) | pp.239~259 | number of Cited : 1
Construction of Information Packages for the Operational Efficiency of Dark Archives
Hyoeun Park , Seungmin Lee | 2020, 54(4) | pp.261~281 | number of Cited : 0
Evaluation and Analysis of Online Public Relation Activities in University Archives: Focusing on the Websites
Eun Jin Kim , Joung Hwa Koo | 2020, 54(4) | pp.283~315 | number of Cited : 3
Potential Implications and Applications of Terror Management Theory for Library and Information Science
Jonathan Michael Hollister , Lee, Jisue , Aaron J. Elkins ORD ID and 1 other persons | 2020, 54(4) | pp.317~349 | number of Cited : 1