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Constructing the Concept of 'Community Business':Differentiating from 'Social Enterprise'

  • Korean Society and Public Administration
  • Abbr : KSPA
  • 2010, 21(1), pp.275~299
  • Publisher : Seoul Association For Public Administration
  • Research Area : Social Science > Public Administration

Kim, Yoonho 1




The concept, ‘community business,’ has been rarely discussed in a theoretical way despite its emerging interests among professionals in Korea. Therefore, this study aims to build the concept by identifying its features so as to differentiate it from more well-known concept, ‘social enterprise.’ According to the analysis, community business means an activity or organization that solves local issues by local residents using local resources. But, its ultimate goal is to revitalize local community, which can be led by a ‘transformational leader’ called ‘social entrepreneur.’ One of the main differences between community business and social enterprise is that the former covers only a local area by limiting its pursuit of financial profit while the latter does not constrain the size of covering area and financial profit in order to provide as many as jobs to socially and economically disadvantaged people. This implies that current government policy in promoting social enterprises should be changed in a way in which it differently manages the two entities that pursue social and economic values simultaneously.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.