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Change of Foot Pressure Distributions on Stance Leg during Coordinative Locomotor Training in Healthy Adults

  • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
  • Abbr : J Korean Soc Phys Med
  • 2023, 18(1), pp.59-66
  • Publisher : The Korean Society of Physical Medicine
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > Physical Therapy > Other physical therapy
  • Received : November 30, 2022
  • Accepted : January 13, 2023
  • Published : February 28, 2023

Lim Jae Heon 1 국은주 2 Kim Jin-cheol 3

2원광보건대학교 물리치료과



PURPOSE: This study examined the foot pressure distribution using the sprinter and skater patterns of coordinative locomotor training. METHODS: Thirty healthy adults, comprising 11 men and 19 women, participated in the study. All the participants performed patterns in sprinter pattern conditions 1–3 and skater pattern conditions 1–3, and were measured using a pedoscan to determine the applied foot pressure distribution. RESULTS: The participants significantly differed in the big toe during the sprinter pattern. As a result of the post hoc test, opposite and opposite sprinters showed a significant difference from the same sprinters (same sprinter; 21.33 ± 5.92, opposite sprinter; 23.54 ± 5.41, and reopposite sprinter; 24.14 ± 6.46). There was a significant difference in the lateral side during the skater pattern. As a result of the post hoc test, reopposite and same skaters showed a significant difference from opposite skaters (same skater; 49.88 ± 5.75, opposite skater; 48.78 ± 5.64, and reopposite skater; 51.15 ± 5.37). CONCLUSION: The foot pressure was distributed toward the hallux and fifth toe according to the sprinter and skater patterns of coordinative locomotor training.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.