Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.45
pISSN : 1975-311X / eISSN : 2287-7215
pISSN : 1975-311X / eISSN : 2287-7215
Manuscript expert review (peer review)
The review process of all submitted manuscripts is conducted privately. All submitted manuscripts are requested to be peer-reviewed by at least 3 experts (2 judges and 1 editor) for the suitability of publication, and the manuscript is decided based on the results. Articles sent to editors are deliberated by the editors to decide whether or not to adopt them. The corresponding author is notified when a decision is made by the editor to publish, reject, or modify the manuscript. If the final revised manuscript completely meets the publication style and standards of this journal, the publication is decided and the publication date is scheduled. Manuscripts judged not to be published will not be reviewed again.