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2022, Vol.25, No.3

A Survey of Doctors’ Opinions of the Operating Room CCTV Act
Cheong Yooseok ORD ID , YON Jun-Heum ORD ID , Kang Bongjin ORD ID | 2022, 25(3) | pp.193~220 | number of Cited : 2
CCTV Cameras in Operating Rooms
CHO Seong Joon ORD ID | 2022, 25(3) | pp.221~241 | number of Cited : 1
Factors Influencing Advanced Directives Among Hemodialysis Patients
SON Eunseong ORD ID , Seo, Minjeong ORD ID | 2022, 25(3) | pp.243~259 | number of Cited : 3
The Effect of Moral Sensitivity and Moral Distress on the Caring Behavior of Nurses in Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units
HWANG Gahui ORD ID , SHIN Jung-Min ORD ID , KIM Miseul ORD ID and 2 other persons | 2022, 25(3) | pp.261~276 | number of Cited : 3