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A Comparative Study of Three Ways of Learning Structures in English Reading and Writing Courses

  • Modern English Education
  • Abbr : MEESO
  • 2013, 14(3), pp.135-158
  • Publisher : The Modern English Education Society
  • Research Area : Humanities > English Language and Literature > English Language Teaching

Choi, Kyunghee 1




This paper aims to compare the effects of three different ways of learning English structures: chunks of words, interrogative sentences, and five basic sentence patterns. Forty-nine female college students learned English structures by practicing chunking,making interrogative sentences, and finally analyzing sentences with the five basic sentence patterns. The effects of the first two methods were examined in the previous studies, both of which suggest their significant effectiveness. The current study which was conducted for two semesters in 2011 includes one further method that is the concept of five basic patterns in addition to the two previously studied ones. It focuses on finding out which method the students think the most effective. The students were given two different tests along with a questionnaire. Each test and questionnaire was given twice for the pre- and post-tests. The results of the TOEIC tests show that overall English reading comprehension skills of the participants improved at the end of the experiment. However, they did not show meaningful improvement in the post-test of the five-basic-sentence-pattern test. The result of the questionnaire reveals that the students think more strongly at the end of the experiment that they can make English interrogative sentences properly and regard the method of learning English interrogative sentences more helpful and effective than the other two methods.

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