Modern English Education 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 1.55
pISSN : 1598-0782 / eISSN : 2586-6141
pISSN : 1598-0782 / eISSN : 2586-6141
Currently, international authors are exempt from review fees and membership and annual fees.
If contributors are members of MEESO, they should pay annual membership fee and the cost of peer-reviews; Non-members should pay admission fee, annual membership fee, and the cost of peer-reviews and notify them by sending an email to Treasure.
Online submission website:
E-mail address for admission & fee(s):
Membership Types | Cost |
Regular Membership | 30,000won |
Lifelong Membership | 300,000won |
Institutional Membership | 100,000won |
* Admission | 10,000won |
cost of peer-reviews: 60,000won
cost of publication: 150,000won for a manuscript not exceeding 20 pages; when exceeding this limit, 10,000 Won per extra page should be paid by the author(s).