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/ 2005
/ Improving communicative competence through teaching English pronunciation
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/ Jeju National University of Education
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/ 2006
/ The effects of teaching songs and chants by presenting their written words on elementary school English learners
/ master
/ Gwangju National University
Cho, Han-Bun
/ 2008
/ A study on the teaching the sound change in the connected speech for high school students
/ master
/ Korea National University of Education
Cho, Hyun Jeong
/ 2005
/ The effects of dictation activity on the improvement of listening abilities of elementary school English learners
/ master
/ Chinju National University of Education
Cho, Mee-Choung
/ 2005
/ The effect of dictogloss on Korean high school students’ listening comprehension and affective aspects
/ master
/ Ewha Womans University
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/ 2007
/ The effect of English listening activities using TV ads on high school students’ listening comprehension
/ master
/ Korea University
Choi, Eun-Young
/ 2009
/ A study on the effects of the cloze, error, identification and full dictation on English listening ability: For Korean middle school
/ master
/ Ewha Womans University
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/ 2005
/ A study on improving English listening skills and vocabulary knowledge through dictogloss
/ master
/ Chongju National University
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/ 2012
/ A study on the effect of shadowing using movies for the improvement of the middle school students’ listening skills
/ master
/ Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Choi, Ji Hye
/ 2013
/ A study on effects of listening strategy training on Korean high school students English listening comprehension ability
/ master
/ Kyung Hee University
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/ 2013
/ The effects of teaching phonics to improve slow learners’ reading and listening abilities
/ master
/ Korea University
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/ 2011
/ The effect of listening activity using content schema on listening comprehension and student perception
/ master
/ Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
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/ Yonsei University
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/ 초등학교에서 영어듣기 향상에 미치는 받아쓰기 지도의 효과
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/ 경남대학교 교육대학원
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/ 2007
/ A study on improving English listening with the use of sitcom
/ master
/ Daegu University
Han, Eunmi
/ 2008
/ A study of improving listening & speaking ability through English lesson using chants in elementary English classes
/ master
/ Wonkwang University
Han, Soo-Min
/ 2010
/ A study on teaching English listening skills using movies for middle school students
/ master
/ Dankook University
Han, Tae Wook
/ 2008
/ A study on the improvement of listening comprehension ability of elementary English through dictation
/ master
/ Korea National University of Education
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/ Pearson Education
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/ 2010
/ A study on the effects of teaching chants emphasizing the sentences stress
/ master
/ Gongju National University
Hong, Mi-Yung
/ 2012
/ Effects of using different varieties of English pronunciation in English classes on Korean high school learners’ listening comprehension and language attitude
/ master
/ Ewha Womans University
Hong, Myeong-Hee
/ 2012
/ A study of improving elementary school students’ English ability using English chants and games based on 6th grade English textbook, primary school
/ master
/ Woosuk University
Hong, Yon-Nam
/ 2008
/ The pedagogical effects of dictogloss on English listening comprehension and grammar learning
/ master
/ Seoul National University of Technology
Hwang, Chaeok
/ 2011
/ A study of teaching listening for technical high school students using dictation
/ master
/ Sookmyeong Women’s University
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/ 2010
/ The effects of memorizing whole sentences on English listening ability and affective domain for middle school students
/ master
/ In-Ha University
Im, Hee-Su
/ 2011
/ Improving listening abilities through English phonological awareness instructions
/ master
/ Kookmin University
Jeon, Jiyeon
/ 2011
/ The effects of animation movies with Korean open subtitles on the listening comprehension and affective domain of elementary school students
/ master
/ Konkuk University
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/ 2013
/ A study on the effects of using American TV drama on students’ listening ability in middle school
/ master
/ Yeungnam University
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/ 2014
/ The effects of shared reading activities using English story books on the vocabulary and listening ability of elementary school students
/ master
/ Korea National University of Education
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/ 2008
/ The effects of meta-cognitive strategies on elementary students’ listening ability
/ master
/ Pusan National University
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/ 2007
/ A study on the efficiency of using authentic materials for listening
/ master
/ Sookmyung Women’s University
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/ 2012
/ Using American dramas for improving English ability: focusing on learners’ listening ability
/ master
/ Korea University
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/ 2009
/ The effects of listening text presentation on English ability and the affective domain according to learning styles
/ master
/ Daegu National University
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/ 2007
/ The effects of teaching learning strategies on their listening and speaking abilities of 6th graders
/ master
/ Gwangju National University of Education
Jung, Sungchang
/ 2013
/ The effect of note taking activities in Korean high school students’ listening comprehension
/ master
/ Korea National University of Education
Jung, Woul-Soon
/ 2007
/ The effects of dictation on English communication ability and the affective domain
/ master
/ Daegu National University of Education
Kang, Haekyung
/ 2010
/ A study on teaching English stress to improve high school students’ listening ability
/ master
/ Korea National University of Education
Kang, Sang-Jin
/ 2011
/ The effects of note-taking in academic centered listening on listening comprehension of English lecture of Korean college students
/ master
/ Ewha Womans University
Kim, An-Na
/ 2009
/ The effects of viewing EBS English drama on the improvement of English listening ability of elementary school students
/ master
/ Chinju National University of Education
Kim, Eun-In
/ 2009
/ A study on the effects of using chants on elementary school students’ English stress recognition and listening ability
/ master
/ Pukyong National University
Kim, Eun-Ji
/ 2010
/ The effects of reading aloud on listening and reading ability and affective domains in elementary school English
/ master
/ Pusan National University
Kim, Gyeong-Hee
/ 2013
/ Effects of shadowing on English listening and speaking abilities of elementary school student
/ master
/ Gyeongin National University of Education
Kim, Hana
/ 2013
/ The effects of listening activities using discourse markers on high school students’ English listening ability
/ master
/ Korea National University of Education
Kim, Hemmy
/ 2013
/ The effect of teaching English nuclear stress for high school students’ listening proficiency
/ master
/ Korea National University of Education
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/ 2011
/ The effects of listening classes using sitcoms on English listening comprehension and interest of high school second graders
/ master
/ Korea National University of Education
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/ 2010
/ A case study on the effect of pronunciation education for the improvement of English speaking and listening
/ master
/ Daegu University
Kim, Hyun
/ 2005
/ The effect of English dicto-composition practice on middle school students’ listening ability
/ master
/ Sookmyung Women’s University
Kim, Jeonghyo
/ 2009
/ A comparison of the efficacy between dictation and dictogloss listening activities on high school learners’ English listening abilities and vocabulary acquisition
/ master
/ Ewha Womans University
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/ 2014
/ The effects of teaching English through English news on adult learners’ listening competence
/ master
/ Hankuk Universtity of Foreign Studies
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/ 2006
/ Written English with song and chant on listening, speaking, reading ability, and affective factors
/ master
/ Busan National University of Education
/ 2014
/ 중학생의 영어듣기 능력향상을 위한 팝송의 활용방안에 관한 연구
/ 석사
/ 원광대학교 교육대학원
Kim, Kyoungsook
/ 2010
/ The effects of teaching learning strategies on English listening skills and learning attitudes of fifth graders in the elementary school
/ master
/ Chinju National University of Education
Kim, Mi-Gyeong
/ 2008
/ A Study on the improvement English language ability through language learning strategies instruction–on the focus of vocabulary comprehension
/ master
/ Gyeongin National University of Education
Kim, Moon-Suk
/ 2012
/ The effect of using English TV programs on high school students’ listening comprehension
/ master
/ Kongju University
Kim, Moon-Suk
/ 2012
/ The effect of using English TV programs on high school students’ listening comprehension
/ master
/ Kongju University
Kim, Nana
/ 2011
/ Effects of teaching chants on elementary school students’ English listening comprehension
/ master
/ Pusan National University
Kim, Se-Hee
/ 2011
/ The effect of dictogloss on adult learners’ listening and L2 English idioms
/ master
/ Ewha Womans University
/ 2013
/ 초등영어교육에서 역할놀이가 영어 말하기와 듣기 능력 향상에 미치는 영향 연구
/ 석사
/ 동국대학교 교육대학원
/ 2012
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/ 석사
/ 전남대학교 교육대학원
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/ 2009
/ The improvement of learners’ listening ability through the dictation practice
/ master
/ Mokpo University
Kim, Yoon-Mi
/ 2013
/ The effects of the explicit learning strategy instruction on high school students’ listening and reading abilities: The applicability of the CALLA model
/ master
/ Ewha Womans University
Kim, Yun-Sun
/ 2009
/ The effect of meta-cognitive strategy training on listening comprehension ability
/ master
/ Dong-A University
Ko, Juhui
/ 2009
/ A study of the effect of formal schema activation on English listening comprehension for 1st grade of middle school
/ master
/ Kookmin University
Koh, Eun-Hae
/ 2013
/ The effect of the recognition of suprasegmental feature on improving listening ability and affective domain
/ master
/ Sookmyeong Women’s University
Kwon, Je-Min
/ 2013
/ A study on English listening instruction using chants and songs in elementary school
/ master
/ University of Ulsan
Kwon, Jihye
/ 2008
/ The effective use of pop song to improve listening comprehension
/ master
/ Daegu University
Lee, Gi-Woo
/ 2008
/ The effects of English rhythm acquisition training on listening comprehension of middle school students
/ master
/ Kongju National University
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/ 2013
/ A study on improving listening skills through shadowing for elementary school students
/ master
/ Kookmin University
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/ 석사
/ 단국대학교 교육대학원
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/ 2013
/ Effects of information transfer technique on high school students’ English listening ability and attitude
/ master
/ Ewha Womans Un
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/ 석사
/ 가톨릭대학교 교육대학원
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/ 2008
/ The effects of shadowing on students’ listening skills, prounuciation, and attitudes
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/ Ewha Womans University
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/ 2007
/ The effects of dictation activity using authentic materials on middle school students’ English listening comprehension
/ master
/ Chungbuk National University
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/ 2006
/ The effect of mind-map strategies on elementary school students’ listening, reading and writing proficiency
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/ Pusan National University
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/ 2011
/ A study on the effects of the improvement of English listening skills through dictation
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/ Kookmin University
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/ 2006
/ Effects of the step-based activities of dictation on English listening ability of six graders in elementary school
/ master
/ Chinju National University of Education
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/ 2005
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/ Busan National University of Education
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/ 2008
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/ 2005
/ The effects of English dialog text presentation on English communication ability and the affective domain
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/ Daegu National University
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/ Korea National University
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/ 2011
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/ Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
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/ 2011
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/ 영어 듣기이해 능력 향상을 위한 Cloze Test 활용 수업 연구 : 애니메이션 활용 수업을 중심으로
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/ Chinju National University of Education
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/ 국민대학교 교육대학원